Friday, April 11, 2014


While this Bundy cattle thing is getting hot, I believe it will simmer back down.  There is a lot of support from Utahns - and Bundy is a Mormon.  This polarization could ignite persecution against the LDS - who are for smaller government, against gay rights in the marriage arena and, of course, despise abortion.  We are quickly becoming the lightning rod of society, just as back in the Nauvoo days.  I am complacent about it - let's just get it over with so the trash can be taken to the curb and we can get on with the marriage feast....

I expect a "communist" (such as Rahm Emmanuel - or Obama himself) will end up lighting off the real conflagration in Chicago, just as Joseph predicted.  It will end up in a full-on CWII, just as predicted.  At that juncture, as several witnesses have been given (including Dmitri Duduman), America will be hit with nukes in order to immobilize us so that Russia can make her move on Europe, making it to England and then eventually south to Israel.

BHO will have betrayed us to this international force.  I do not have any intelligence as to his fate, but I hope and pray that he swings from a tree for having done so.  Rope is cheap, but it makes a valuable lesson out of traitors.  A bullet in the head is too merciful and too quick.

As far as the Ogden Temple - the live webcam shows the scaffolding still in place (not that this was a requirement for the timeline.  It simply may well mean that it was "still under construction" - and not dedicated or in operation at that point):

I expect this nuclear event no later than August thru October of this year.

I have a nephew and his wife living in the area and have put out the warning for them to move.  Most people just think I am crazy - just as they did of Lehi, saying that no one could ever destroy the great city and nation.  Truly, the Elders of the day thought that "All is well in Zion".  Truly, in their arrogance, they found out differently.  We are at the gates of this great calamity ourselves - and we will suffer.  In God's house first, and then the rest of the nation, and then finally those nations who did the chastising of this nation and have hated her for her values (when we still exhibited some....).

1 comment:

  1. So I went and read the Dimitri Duduman and it compared the mormon church to sodom and gomorrah. I am a member of the LDS church and I believe that it has been a vehicle to bring me to Jesus Christ. Whats your take?
