Wednesday, April 9, 2014


If you have read this blog for some time, you will know that I do not trust the bankSTers.  The system is rigged against you - and, if considered rightly, the original banksters were given harsher treatment by the Savior than even the doctors and lawyers.  He was VERY vocal against the hypocritical and parasitical nature of those who were learned and twisted the system in their favor - both political and religious.  He never got physical with them.  It was all verbal scolding.  However, the banksters who were out for a buck in the temple, he had zero patience for - and physically drove them out.  Imagine a Stake President or one of the Twelve doing such a thing.  It would make headlines and would be considered scandalous and extreme.  YES - when the Son of Man acted, it was deliberate and purposeful.  People often have this notion in their twisted minds that he was a wimp - some koombiah/peacenik who could not or would not defend himself, who ultimately got bullied and thrown on a cross to be killed.  A wus - and not a man.  I have a VERY different picture of him.  I have been reading in Matthew and he is the embodiment of a real man - strong, decisive, take no prisoners - take no crap.  Yes, forgiving, compassionate and gracious - but a wus by no means.  Passionate - yes.  Able to defend principle and values with His life - YES.

The banksters, on the other hand, will hide behind fiat law in order to make you slaves to the burgeoning buearocracy.  The ultimate goal is to have you earning just enough to subsist, while the elite - living in ivory towers, dictate how your lives will be.  A populace that is enslaved - is a populace to easily be controlled and manipulated.  One of their goals is to nationalize one of the few remaining golden eggs - the 401K and retirement pension bonanza.  They have slowly gutted every other source of income and easy money in the U.S. - except for this one.

I would rather have that money in my hands right now in order to buy food storage, etc - than to have (inflated) pennies on the dollar at some later point - when and if that point ever exists.  I have already done so.  We took tried to liquidate our 401K, but the company pension people would not let us do so.  Our reason was we were in need of the money to "buy a home/set up a household".  Indeed that was correct.  You do not even need that excuse.  Turns out, they would not release the money - even though we had a legal reason.  I decided to do an end-run on them.

My kid's b-ball coach was a financial planner.  I had him in on a three-way call with a 401K administrator and he put the heat on them and said that I was privatizing the money (with his established company) and that he would seek legal remedies if they did not release the money to him.  I had a check within 72 hours for the full amount.  We did not pay taxes on the money (around 30%) and took the full amount.  I am not giving any tax advice here - you are on your own - but all you have to do is get an outside investment firm (the larger and more reputable the better) to do the muscling for you and the 401K people have to cave.  It is a transfer from one system to another is all it is.  The investment people take their 0.5% cut (I might have gotten a friends and family deal on it to have him process the paperwork for $300) and you have your check.

A word of caution here.  If you have say $100K to pull out, your tax bill can be substantial - $30-40K.  If you choose to have no tax deductions taken out, the tax bill can be stiff come next April.  I would keep about that amount sitting around.  Remember, the IRS has the ability to destroy your life, if they so choose.  Anything with a title can be researched at the county and confiscated by the Sherrif - if they choose to go after you.  Not a good position to be in.  Again - you will be in the position of a slave.  I have a hunkering that people that owe the banksters and/or the gov't (read, the Chinese), will be placed in concentration camps in order to work the debt off.  My wife, who is not quite as radical as I am, is of the same opinion.  This is the wisdom of staying out of debt.  They cannot get their sticky little fingers into you at that point.  If they attempt to - as they are doing with the rancher in NV, you can shoot to kill and be justified in God's eyes.  If they have ought against you, you kind of are in a bind if you decide to stand your ground and they are executing legal paper against you.

My favorite phrase - wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove.

Beat them at their own game.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you!!!!!!! I am glad you were able to get what belonged to you to begin with. They are nothing but thieves.
