Sunday, February 23, 2014


That one sign is the only one that is not fulfilled in BHO - other than that, our pathetic prez is the guy.  I would love to hear opinions on BHO and a would to the head:

Most Biblical scholars agree on 19 characteristics of the Antichrist. I will list the scriptures where these characteristics can be found along with the characteristics themselves, so that you can look them up yourself. They are as follows:
1. (Daniel 8:9-12) He starts small, but becomes great. He succeeds in whatever he does.
2. (Daniel 7:11) He is arrogant, boastful.
3. (Daniel 8:24) He will cause astounding devastation.
4. (Daniel 8:24) He will become very strong... but not by his own power... in his quick rise to fame.
5. Daniel, Thessalonians, and Revelation all say he will be blasphemous and speak out against God and the Word of God.
6. (Revelation 17:1-13) He will come from a rebuilt Roman Empire.
7. (Daniel 8:23) He will be a "Stern faced" king.
8. Daniel, Thessalonians, and Revelation all agree, He will be a master of manipulation.
9. (Daniel 7:24) He will be a king "different" from those who went before him.
10. (II Thessalonians 2) He will be known as the "lawless one" or a "Rebel".
11. (Matthew 24:15) He will be seen standing in "The Holy Place". (the temple in Jerusalem)
12. Many scriptures state that he will be called "messiah" or savior.
13. (Revelation 13) At some point he will receive a head wound. Believed to be fatal.
14. Then he will be "miraculously healed".
15. A "false prophet" will arise and act as his "right hand man" and head of the One World Church.
16. (Revelation 17) A ten nation "coalition" will grant him ALL power and authority.
17. (Daniel 9:27) He will make a "peace treaty with many". (Most believe this to be Israel, but it could be exactly what he is doing AS WE SPEAK).
18. Daniel, Matthew, Thessalonians, and Revelation agree that he will persecute Christians and Jews everywhere he can, once he reveals his TRUE nature.
19. (Daniel 7:25) He will change laws and "times" concerning worship.


  1. I saw an article on some website several months ago or maybe a couple of years ago, probably some conspiracy theory website, that showed a few photos of a huge scar on the back of BHO's head going from one ear to the other. It looked like a very precisely cut scar as if it had been from a surgery.


  2. As much as you would like to have BHO be the guy (he is indeed evil no doubt) this is wrong. He might be a general at most, but he is mainly a puppet, until the real AC steps forward after Rome/Catholic Church falls. Then the real AC will reveal himself and one who has great power to save.

  3. There is a youtube presentation from a guy named Ken Peters that claimed to have dreams and visions of the last days. Whether you believe him may not matter but he does have some valid and interesting points about who the AC is. He correctly described in perfect detail the new (2014) $100 bill years before it was conceived.

    According to Ken Peters:
    The AC has answers for everything that is currently troubling the world.
    The AC is very charismatic.
    The AC if "extremely hansom and chiseled"
    The AC is extremely smart.

    Ken Peters said this mans whole persona was for a lack of a better term “perfect”

    BO is not really any of that… I guess he has forms of some of those things but if you have ever seen him without a teleprompter it’s painful.

    In the world today we worship beauty. We worship charisma and we want someone else to find the solution. That makes perfect sense that the AC will have those attributes and its NOT BHO sorry.

    I think your trying to force things into your time frame. If you simply look at everything that still needs to happen we could go on for a couple decades before the savior returns.

    Yes I know about the blood moons. However that can all still happen later when/if/whatever happens and the earth moves (or something else happens) whatever NASA predicts is NULL because they are looking at a static earth and sky. As things unfold this could and will all change. The scriptures flat out tell us the heavens will change.

    Look at the 144,000 that D&C say will happen in the 6th seal - hasn’t happened yet!
    Look at the 2 prophets that are on a 3 1/2 year mission – there not there yet! That’s a 7th seal thing!
    New Jerusalem built. It can’t be build until its first wiped clean and I guarantee if its wiped clean it will take time to get people and resources there to build.
    Etc. Etc. Etc.

    Sorry, but the shoe doesn’t fit!

    A link to the Ken Peters video.

  4. Check this out:
