Monday, January 6, 2014


I have to publish this comment from a blog reader who is also a dentist.  His view was contrary to what was in the article linking bad oral health/root canals to chronic health problems.    This I will say; the link to bad oral health and heart disease has been pretty clearly established in recent times.  There are so many opinions out there - that I like to put both sides up and let the Spirit work out the truth for each case.

I can assure you as a Dentist, that much of this information is just plain misleading!! First of all, getting a root canal done in America from dentist is not the same as getting one in a third world country. The vast majority of work I have seen done in third world country's is Scary Bad!!! And would NEVER meet the standard required here in the USA. However, I recognize that there are bad dentists here in the US, but they seem to be the exception and the not the rule, like third world countries. In addition, this is not an issue about money for dentist, because extracting teeth and placing implants is much more lucrative for dentist. MUCH MORE $$$$!! However, having a 11 year old daughter that has cancer I am not closed to the idea that Root Canaled teeth may contribute to cancer. Which needs more research done to determine. Yet, I recognize that it is far more likely that the food we eat contributes to cancer. I would recommend watching Forks over Knives and reading the China Study. The vast majority of patients that I do root canals on have extremely poor hygiene and poor diets. I know their diets, because I ask about them. And I can confidently tell you, that poor diets are directly related to bad teeth, thus more root canals. And according to the China study and other research poor diets also directly relate to more cancer. The equation: Poor diets = more root canals. and Poor diets = more cancer. The common factor is = POOR DIETS. So in short, I do not buy into the idea that just because 97% of patients with terminal cancer have had a root canal, means that it is caused by the root canal. It is far more likely that food we eat, ie... too much meat and dairy products, GMO's and other factors are causing the cancer and not root canals. Oh and just so you know I am confident, having spent a year in Seattle Childrens Cancer clinics that the vast majority of pediatric patients there with cancer DO NOT have a SINGLE root canaled tooth in their head. WHY? Because dentists don't do root canals on baby teeth!


  1. I thought you might like this article. Since Ariel Sharon is dying and what perhaps the most respected Rabbi in recent history prophecied about his death. Fascinating!

  2. This comment does not apply to dentistry, but I thought you and the other readers would find this dream interesting. I have shared several books and quotes and your blog with my baby brother who lives with his family in Texas. He appreciated all of this but wanted to know anything specific pertaining to Texas. About a month later I came across this dream quite by accident and was so happy to be able to share it with him. It doesn't just apply to those faithful Saints living in Texas but all along the southeast coast.

  3. Iraq, where are you? I'm hungry for your Posts.

    Thank You for your time and sharing your opinion

  4. Wow, really very informative post, this post very clearly describe treatments very well. This information will surely help people to be prepared before starting any this procedure. Thanks for sharing very good information.
