Wednesday, January 15, 2014


This blog commenter did a great job of encapsulating what has happened in the last 70 years and what is coming 2014-2017 if we compare what happened during the 70 years of the Babylonian captivity and the 70 years before the destruction of the Second Temple.  Folks - the parallels are spooky.....  We are on the cusp of BIG things:
I have been wanting to graphically represent a lot of timeline stuff like this for quite some time.  Perhaps I will have to collaborate with her to get the 2014-2017 stuff all nailed down on a tidy timeline with the two 1260 day periods with the March 22, 2013 midpoint.

Truly, God is merciful and gracious in giving us information and signs that are so plainly spelled out that we could not miss it once we began to be in the middle of it.  I can honestly say that I know of the anticipation and excitement that many believers would have had in Jesus' time when they began to be cognizant of prophecy being fulfilled all around them as they were living their lives.  Its one thing to be aware of it and realize that it will happen one day.  Its entirely another thing when you begin to awake to the fact that it is happening real-time as your life plays out.  The prophetic gift comes in where you are able to downplay any misconceptions you might have developed towards that timeline and have the "scales of darkness" stripped from your eyes.  By this, for example, I mean the over-used "no man knows the hour...." line that we have been fed all those years by teachers and scholars who were just too lazy to use a little logic to come to the correct conclusions.

The chart I spoke of is down a bit at the link I referenced earlier.  You can click on it and get a larger version of portions of it for further study.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Thanks so much for sharing the knowledge God has given me to be shared. Time is short indeed! Gail Green
