Sunday, January 19, 2014


My wife and I had a great conversation the other night about those who might be caught up into Zion before the desolating destruction covers the land.  She always seems to have insights into things I miss.  If you think my mind goes freaky places, she really has some freaky ideas......  Some of them cool.  Some just plain through the stratosphere.

Here is the quote from an Ensign article on the Great Flood:
Even if Noah’s preaching were to be unheeded by everyone except for his wife and three sons and their wives, 10 his personal efforts are not dimmed any more than those of Abinadi, who appears to have had only Alma respond to his powerful ministry (see Mosiah 17:2). But a statement in Moses that prior to the Flood “the Holy Ghost fell on many, and they were caught up by the powers of heaven into Zion” (Moses 7:27) suggests that apparently many people received the gospel as a result of Noah and others. Thus, we are gratified to learn that many souls were saved through Noah’s ministry.

 Noah and Enoch were contemporaries, but it would appear that Enoch and Zion were taken before Noah's ministry began in earnest and he got to try out his boat-building skills (you may have to click on it or use CTRL and the "+" key several times to get it to enlarge and then do the opposite with the "-" minus key to get er to shrink back down). 

However, after Zion was taken up, it would appear that Moses 7:27 says that people were still being "sucked up" into the heavenly city.  How cool would that be??


  1. I found this one day last summer that further elaborates on this vision:

    A Closer look at Pres. George Albert Smith's Vision of World War 3

    In Pres. George Albert Smith's vision he talks about the United States being attacked when our military might was greatly diminished and our attackers had significant military advantage. Sounds like we're almost there.
    Here is a quote from the GA Smith vision as recorded by David Horne.

    Then Pres. Smith said, "I have had a troublesome vision of another great and terrible war that made the war just ended look like a training exercise World War II and people died like flies. It began at a time when the Soviet Union's military might dwarfed that of the United States, and we [that is, the United States] would have missiles in Europe that carried an atomic bomb. I saw the United States withdraw its missiles to appease the Soviet Union, and then the war began."

    Here are some excerpts from a second account from a different witness of the GA Smith vision who was told of the vision by Pres Smith himself.

    Pres. Smith did tell him to look specifically for the day when the American Dollar was so worthless that no other country would allow payment in dollars.

    Russia would appear to fall from its mighty position, but that would only be a ruse, because they would continue to only grow stronger because they would not have to support all of the poor countries they had taken over.

    The US would give up its strategic power base, and become the scourge of the world because of the abuse of power they would leverage against all other lesser countries, and the other world powers would force the US to take their bombs out of Europe.

    President Smith also told David Horne some things about the President of the US at the time of the Russian attack. David Horne originally said that it would be at the time of a President of Greek origin. But reportedly, later after talking with his older brother D.H. changed this recollection to say only that it would be a man of a different extraction than all the preceding presidents.

    The second witness that I quoted above said the same thing about the US president at the time of the Russian attack. "It would be a president of different extraction than the normal northern European ancestry that we had had up to that point." This leads me to believe that, if these accounts are accurate, the attack will occur at the end of Obama's administration.

    Just confirms my Patriarchal Blessing which states: "that I will see war with Russia and we will return bomb for bomb with them and our cities will suffer here etc."

    Posted 3rd January 2012 by King Kame O'ahu

  2. Here is a fascinating interview and write-up on the current state of the Catholic church.

  3. That thing on the Pope was crazy...It makex me wonder......I remember listening to a Sarah Menet interview and she said the anti christ would come out of the european union and have something to do with the last Pope leaving.. i wonder if pope francis could be the anti christ?

  4. I have wondered the same thing "out loud" on this blog, but my comment didn't get published. What really got me was when I saw a picture of the pope with a lamb around his neck, just as Christ is portrayed in some art work. The pope can't forgive sins and he can't save people, only Christ can do that. I wish I could find that picture again. According to the Vatican, the pope is going to Israel in May...... It will be interesting to see what plays out there.

  5. Here is a 2 hour interview with Sarah Menet and at the 2 hour 9 minute mark, she gets a call about who is the antichrist. She says he will come from the European Union and it will have something to do with the death of pope benedict and the people that follow his place afterwards the

  6. Have been reading the OLD TESTAMENT manual of the Church. Elder McConkie's assertions back this post up (that many righteous were caught up to Zion in the days of Noah).

    Also been looking at the blood moons, even before Christ and there are some VERY interesting markers to behold. There is a blood moon tetrad on Passover and Succoth IN THE VERY YEAR THAT SOLOMON'S TEMPLE WAS DEDICATED. The Maccabean revolt began also after a blood moon tetrad...
