Tuesday, December 17, 2013


I woke this morning with a beautiful vision (dream) of a radiant young woman who was 12-15 years old who was in a body that was disfigured and not capable of normal movement.  She was just radiant - I think I was looking at her spirit.

As soon as I processed the last view of her, a distinct thought came into my mind that the war against the infirm is not a war to "eliminate the undesirables" from society as the hitlerian utopia would espouse, it is a war against those who were MOST valiant against satan and his minions in the pre-existence and who have incurred the rage of a most vile of beings and who are set apart for a special role of helping us all perfect our patience and our charity.  Just as there is a raging battle against the sacred union of marriage and the sacred nature of sexual union (the devil will never know love, the ecstacy of sexual union, nor be sealed to a companion through the eternities), there is a raging battle against the old and infirm of body and those who did not have to come to this earth other than to have a body that could one day be perfected.  There is great utility in old age where we become less self-centered and can focus on personal refinement and serving others.  There is great utility in being married where selfishness and conceit can be muted and refined in a spirit of self-sacrifice and compromise for a greater good. 

So the rage against these very institutions by death panels and people who clamor for "dignity" at the end of life and who want to allow the parents "choice" in the beginning of life decisions, goes on.  Many normally good and well-meaning people sell themselves short and eventually come into the dominion of the adversary because they espouse these arguments.  First, they listen to them - then they embrace them and then, when fully in the clutches of the evil one, they champion them.  I am becoming quite disheartened in the Church at the number of "progressives" I see around me.  God will spew them out in the judgment.  Luke-warmers as I call them.  Let us either be hot or cold - but not the mushy middle of the spectrum.  Those were the fence sitters in the pre-existent war of words.  The other third who will be cast out of Father's presence in the final analysis.


  1. "There were no neutrals (or fence sitters) in the war in Heaven. All took sides either with Christ or with Satan. Every man had his agency there, and men receive rewards here based upon their actions there, just as they will receive rewards hereafter for deeds done in the body."

    (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 1:61, 65-66; emphasis added).

  2. I wonder if that statement from Joseph Fielding Smith is church doctrine or it is Joseph Fielding Smith's opinion. Is Doctrines of Salvation church doctrine or does it have the "this book is the work of the author and does not represent the official position of the Church" warning at the first. The only reason I think it might be an opinion of Joseph Fielding Smith's and not doctrine is because I remember reading somewhere in a journal, I believe Mosiah Hancock's, about him having a dream about the pre earth life and how 1/3 of the hosts of heaven chose neither Satan's side or Jesus Christ....They were neutral. I would have to do some research again though. But I guess the Mosiah Hancock's journal i read could just be an opinion too, who knows, but it was an interesting dream or vision Hancock had

  3. I do believe in people staying neutral, as it is in heaven so shall it be upon the earth and there are plenty upon the earth, besides they were are brother and sisters imagine if one of them that took the other side was a future potential mate or parent even?????

  4. Ezra Taft Benson said in a Conference talk that the time will come where we will have no neutral ground to stand on, and I believe we are pretty much there now.

  5. There are still alot of good people in the world who are not followers of Christ, I know alot of them and I would say these people are neutral!
