Monday, November 4, 2013


I have had that question many times when hearing the phrase - but have been too busy or distracted to delve into it.

Here it is from a gal who has a blog with a similar bent as this one; to document and expound personal and other matters of faith so as to increase the faith (or the desire to have faith) in others so that their lives can be more rich and their blessings more abundant.  If we do not share, our faith often shrinks to the point that we become spiritually anemic.  I take exception to those who refuse to share and who poo-poo those who do.  The lives of the early Saints were filled with amazing experiences precisely because they were open about their gifts and were openly striving for them.  In the Church today, you are kind of a pariah if such things are done.  And I am not talking in a boasting manner - just to openly bear witness of God's power in our lives.  The shunning of those who are "open spiritually" is, in my opinion, the work of the devil - a sort of spiritual PC, if you will.

Anyway, I love other people who are awake and open enough to share their experiences in a humble and learning way so that I can be strengthened.  God illuminates and shines a light on truth - the devil hides, obfuscates, shames and bullies until the last vestige of light is extinguished from the human family.

Here it is:

What is the "Household of Faith"?

I received my patriarchal blessing when I was thirteen tears old. There is a topic in there that I never quite understood until recently. It speaks of me being raised in a "household of faith".

Being thirteen I took that as meaning that that I must have learned a lot about faith growing up under my mom's roof. I thought that odd because nothing particular came to mind. We were poor most of my childhood and so I wondered if the Lord was referring to us having to rely on our faith to get us through hard times.

A couple years ago, something prompted me to look deeper into that phrase. I Googled it and soon learned that the household of faith is more than what I thought it was. These are the amazing talks I discovered.

The first is called, "Households of Faith" by Bruce R. McConkie. I remember wishing that Elder McConkie was still alive so I could ask him what the "household of faith" is as it is mentioned in the scriptures and he was the church expert on Mormon doctrine.So, you can imagine how thrilled I was to discover that he had written an article about it before my time. It's an amazing and powerful article.

The second is a conference talk by J. Richard Clarke called. "The Household of Faith" which was clearly written for our time. What's interesting is, I forgot about all of this until today when scrolling through facebook a friend of mine posted the talk. It is so relevant to our day that it's almost a little eerie. After reading it again, I felt prompted to share with you as well.

I hope you enjoy these amazing talks and I would love to hear your thoughts.

I know the words of these great men to be true with all my heart. I say this in the name of Jesus Christ amen. 

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