Thursday, November 14, 2013


Well, this was sent to me today:

I see a little more scaffolding on it than I did in my dream and I still see some lifts doing some exterior work on the building.  Basically wrapping things up.

I think it is the wrong time of year for this to occur (too late in the fall season), but the dream could have just been an anxiety dream, or I may not know the meaning of all things.  Most likely both.

Here is something I thought was interesting - that goes in the random column.  Bummer desperately needs a distraction from his woes.  What a pathetic excuse for a "leader" he is:

I saw a report from a former world bank employee that there was a failed attempt by bummer to order the military to light off a nuke there in order to provide a false flag attack to distract the populace from the corruption and garbage he is pulling off in the most powerful office in the land,

1 comment:

  1. What dream did you have? I am kind of new here so I know I have missed a lot
