Sunday, November 3, 2013


Well, most people would be shocked to know that the fight over legally recognizing "gay unions" did not begin in Californication with Prop 8, but really got rolling in Hawaii years before that.  The church quietly expended millions of dollars to fight it at the root of the problem - but ultimately could not stay the tide of evil and the voice of that people.  The libbers of the world decided to hit a small state that could be easily politically overwhelmed - and they succeeded.  Their great coup though, was Cali with Prop 8 because Cali is the most populous state in the Union and if they can pass it there, they can pass it in most other "progressive" states and then overwhelm the remaining court systems with standing precedents and with whining politicians telling the people to "look!  they are doing it over there...." kind of rhetoric.  People are sheeple and will go along with it.

Iohanni Wolfgramm and many others with the gift of prophecy have declared that something in the Pacific basin would end up wiping out people in the islands if they did not speedily repent.  Sounds like with this Hawaii mess and what they have recently passed in New Zealand, God now has a reason to do so.  I love the Hawaiian people and the New Zealanders - my father and mother served missions in those islands.  But this I will say; when the majority of the people chooses evil, it is open season on ALL the people in that location.  Remember that God is not so great of a "precision striker" and relies on the clause that all is well and it will work out just fine on this side or on that side of the veil.  I feel sorry for them.  You could not pay me any amount of money to live permanently on the West Coast nor in the islands of the Pacific (or any ocean, for that matter; I have seen in my mind's eye what is coming and it is not pretty).  It is so close I can taste it.  Here is a recent comment from a reader that got me spun up:

So Elder Robert D. Hales gave the first talk in the Saturday morning session of General Conference after Pres. Monson's opening remarks. He talked about the persecution of the early Saints, what the pioneers went through, and then he said something I won't soon forget. I don't think many people "got" it. He talked about how the Saints would be persecuted in the future.

It is already happening. Christians have been labeled as extremists. The military is being trained to think of and treat Christians as extremists.

Today a good friend of mine got up to bear her testimony. I think she blew a lot of people away. So many people in my neighborhood / ward choose not to keep on the news and were quite shocked by what she had to say because it definitely had political undertones. My husband and I just looked at each other and nodded. We were saddened by this news but not shocked. So, my friend has a daughter who is a freshman at BYU-Hawaii. She called home in complete tears because the ecclesiastical leaders have been instructed to let the students know they may not be able to get married in the temple as they had originally planned. Why? Because the state of Hawaii is considering legislation that only gives those legal authority to marry who are willing to marry all couples, be it heterosexual, homosexual or whatever. The Church doesn't know what kind of wait period there would be between this joke of a marriage and when a sealing can actually take place. The bill passed the Hawaiian Senate and will encounter a little more resistance in the House, but it is fully expected to be signed into law ASAP. Guess who is endorsing this legislation? Yup, you got it, he was once a resident of Hawaii. And he is endorsing such legislation in several other states. Here is a link to an article on the subject:

How soon is it going to be before marriages performed by God-fearing LDS temple sealers, rabbis and other clergy are not recognized?????????


  1. If you follow the link it expressly states that religious sects are exempted currently from having to conform. what one may not be aware of is in hawaii some aspects of church owned operation have been ruled for profit and the church could possibly fall under that designation.


  2. I made a comment on this as well as my thoughts concerning what I have learned in the past two weeks on my blog. It is very long to put here in the comments section so I will just give you the link:

    If you want to add it to your blog I give my full consent. It is just some observations that I have made over the past couple of weeks in Sunday School, but putting two and two together referring to this theme isn't very hard to do once you have the correct information.

    atte SAMIZDAT
