Friday, September 13, 2013


Folks - I have been doing some reading and trying to place some sort of timeline or sequence on how this all goes down.  I think its becoming very clear how things wind up.

America is the little horn, spoken of in Daniel.  Obama is the A/C - most of what you are seeing in the world is just a big political game for show.  Do not believe what you are shown as your reality.  Believe the scriptures and what they tell you will come - and at whose hands the events will play out.

Obama is an agent of the devil - the head of the massive one-world conspiracy - that is manifested as marxism/communism/socialsim.  Remember, he (satan) is racing to be at the head of the millennial and to subdue all things under his feet (the antithesis of what Christ's mission is - but similar in appearance).  The devil and his earthly representatives seek after money, power, fame, glory, pleasure, perversion and control.  Christ (and we, His followers/adherents) seek after God's glory, His will, we seek after the best for others, foregoing our own selfish desires and wants.  We shun power, the praise of man, money, fame and all earthly encumbrances in order to build, sustain and perpetuate God's kingdom on this earth - that His will and His kingdom may come off triumphant in the end.  We are willing to lay it all on the line for a greater cause - while those who follow the adversary surely will also lay it on the line, but for their own selfish gain - just as Cain, the father of all secret combinations, did.

So, after much thought and consideration, we have the A/C running the most power nation on this earth who shortly will betray us (that love the Constitution and the principles this nation was built upon) over to the great communistic conspiracy that Ezra Taft Benson spoke of.  In this betrayal, we will lose our military power, our economic power, our world influence and Russia and China will take the reigns.  I am not sure that the A/C will not have a role in this "international" power grab by the communistic nations.  Once we have been isolated and "obsoleted" and the things that Spencer spoke of occur in the next few years, Jerusalem will have her desolating occurrence, as well.

At the end of it all - the international coalition gathered against Jerusalem will be destroyed and brought low - the near complete destruction of all earthly forces arrayed against one nation and her two prophets.  This destruction of the materiel of war and of armies of millions will segue nicely into Millennial bliss.  What we have all been looking for. 

After this point, comes the final harvest as the 144,000 gather out all the remaining righteous who have survived what comes from all the hidden places on the face of this earth.  They will congregate at the New Jerusalem, the old Jerusalem and to the spine of the Everlasting Hills until the Lord comes again for the last time and sweeps the earth of all remaining wicked.  This is the final harvest after the grain has been gathered out, the tares have been bundled and the fire cleanses the fields.  This is the time that no man knows the hour of - except the Father.  This is correct doctrine.  Do you feel the Spirit as you read this?  The Spirit cannot be imitated and WILL NOT witness to falsehoods or shades of truth.

If you are not sure - pray about it and find out for yourselves.  This is one of the greatest truths and sweetest doctrines taught in the Book of Mormon.  We do NOT have to rely on someone else telling us - we can pray to have our own witness of purported truths.

One last thing - a comment on the previous post of living waters emanating out from under the Temples in the OJ and the NJ.  The waters that will shortly spring forth from the temple at the OJ will flow through that new valley created in the middle of the Mount of Olives and will flow into and heal the Dead Sea, to fulfill prophecy given over 2500 years ago.

This is purely MY speculation - and Spencer did not mention it in Visions - but I would expect that part of the springs bursting forth in the valleys of the Rocky Mountains will be one that emanates from under the Salt Lake temple and flows forth to eventually heal the Great Salt Lake.  If you have not already gotten the significance and similarity of the fresh water source (Utah Lake) flowing through the Jordan River into a large salty body (GSL), then this would only stand to reason.  I expect at some point that the GSL will eventually through some miraculous event - maybe an EQ, or something opening the old channel that Bonneville Lake used to flow out of - that this body of water will empty north into the Pacific Ocean via the Snake River - just as I expect the Dead Sea will eventually empty into the Gulf of Aqaba to the south.

1 comment:

  1. This all makes sense to me. Everything you talk about is exactly what was in a book I read a few years ago called "Fall of the Great and Abominable Church--The closing of the day of the Gentiles Prelude to a Brighter Day!" by Frank Keele. He also has a book "A Year with no Rainbow", which goes exactly and makes sense what you are talking about. This stuff gets me excited....not because people will be suffering, but because the return of Jesus Christ is coming closer..One of my favorite scriptures is D&C 45:39 "And it shall come to pass that he that feareth me shall be looking forth for the great day of the Lord to come, even for the signs of the coming of the Son of Man."
