Saturday, July 13, 2013


This sketch contains some great information.  I hope you understand the nature of this great man - and ponder on the stories that I will share with you that I gleaned from my trip to Cardston.  We are ever so close to what is coming:

I love the original Sols Cuardisto vision presented in this life sketch of President Wood.  With the Zimmerman trial over now, I have to wonder about her statement (and many others by other reputable sources - up to, and including the "Whitehorse Prophecy") about the race rioting that will envelop this nation.

We are in for a long and painful ride:

    I saw the international world war automatically break down, and national revolution
occur in every country, and complete the work of chaos and desolation. I saw geological
disturbances occur, which helped in this work as if it were intended to do so. I saw the Cardston
Temple preserved from all of this geological upheaval. I saw the international boundary
line disappear as these two governments broke up and dissolved into chaos. I saw race rioting
upon the American continent on a vast scale.
I saw hunger and starvation in this world; I saw disease produced by hunger, strife and
chaos complete the end of this present order or epoch. How long these events were in reaching
this consummation I do not know, but my impression was from the outbreak of the international
war these things developed into a continuous procession, and almost ran concurrently, as it is
with a sickness, the various symptoms are all in evidence at one and the same time, but in
different stages of development.
My intensified thought was "What of the Church, if such is to become of the
Kingdoms of the earth?" Was immediately answered by a subconscious statement. “As it is in the
church today,” and I saw these higher spiritual beings throughout the length and breadth of the
air, marshalling their spiritual forces, and concentrating them upon the high officials of your
church upon earth.
I saw the spiritual forces working upon those officers, impressing and moving them,
influencing and warning them. I saw the spiritual forces begin to unfold these things into the
minds of your elders and other high officials, especially during their spiritual devotions and
official duties, and those activities which exalt the mind of the individual or groups. I saw the
impressions take hold and inspire the more receptive and spiritual men, until it was all clearly
revealed to them in the way the spiritual patriarch desired.
Again I seemed to hear the words, "As it will be". I saw the high officials in council, and
under inspired guidance issue instructions to your people to re-consecrate their lives and energies
to their faith, to voluntarily discipline themselves, by abstaining from all those forms of
indulgence which weaken the body, sap the mentality and deaden the spirit or waste the income.
I saw further on, instructions given whereby places of refuge were prepared quietly but
efficiently by inspired elders. I saw Cardston and the surrounding foothills, especially north and
west, for miles, being prepared as a refuge for your people quietly but quickly.
I saw elders still under divine guidance, counseling and encouraging the planting of
every available acre of soil in this district, so that large supplies would be near the refuge. I saw
the church property under cultivation of an intensified character, not for sale or profit, but for the
use of the people. I saw artesian wells and other wells dug all over that territory so that when the
open waters were polluted and poisoned that the people of the church and their cattle should be
provided for.
I saw the fuel resources of the district develop in many places and vast piles of coal and
timber stored for future use and building. I saw the territory carefully surveyed and mapped out,
for the camping of a great body of the people of the church. I saw provision also made for a big
influx of people who will not at first belong to the church, but who will gather in their tribulation.
I saw vast quantities of surgical appliances, medicines, disinfectants, etc, stored in the temple
basement. I saw inspiration given the elders whereby the quantity, quality and kind of things to be
stored were judged, which might not be attainable in this territory in time of chaos. I saw
defensive preparations working out the organizations of the camps on maps. I saw the mining
corridors used as places of storage underground; I saw the hills surveyed and corrals built in
sequestered places for cattle, sheep, etc., quietly and quickly. I saw the plans for the organization
of the single men and their duties, the scouts, the guards, the nurses, the cooks, the messengers,
the children, the herders, the temple guards, etc. I saw these things going on practically unknown
to the Gentile world, except the Great Apostasy, whose knowledge and hatred is far reaching, in
this day of its temporary power. This was going on piece by piece as the Elders were instructed so
to do.
I saw the other officials obeying the inspired instructions, carrying their message and
exhorting the people to carry out, from time to time the revelation given them, whilst all around
throughout the Gentile world the chaos developed in its varying stages, faction against faction,
nation against nation, but all in open or secret hostility to your people and their faith. I saw your
people draw closer and closer together, as this became more tense and as the spiritual forces
warned them through the mouth of your elders and your other officers. I saw the spiritual forces
influencing those members who had drifted away, to re-enter the fold. I saw a greater tithing than
ever before. I saw vast quantities of necessaries supplied by members whose spiritual eyes
had been opened. I saw a liquidation of properties and effects disposed of quietly but quickly by
members of the church, as the spiritual influences directed them.
I saw the inspired call sent forth to all the church, to gather to the refuges of Zion. I saw
the stream of your people quietly moving in the direction of their refuge. I saw your people
moving more quickly and in larger numbers until all the stragglers were housed. I saw the
wireless message flashed from Zion's refuge to Zion's refuge in their several places that all was
well with them1 and then the darkness of chaos closed around the boundaries of your people,
and the last days of tribulation had begun.”

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