Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I think the thing most of us may well struggle with is the need to stay out of debt - as our leaders have asked us to do.

I am a guy who is obedient simply because I know that it produces good fruit, when the Spirit bears witness that the person making the plea is a chosen servant of the Lord.  BUT, I still LOVE to figure out the motivation behind the command.  It always makes it much easier for me to keep when I know the method to the madness - but many times, I am left saying to myself that I know not the reasoning behind the command, except that the Lord commands it; therefore, I just simply go and do it.  My days of rebellion (if I ever had any....) are well in the past.

The reason to stay out of debt has been one that I have always struggled with.  I love gadgets (read tools) and I love to be able to take care of everything for my family.  So I spend.  My wife is the saver - and there is sometimes friction because of it.  When we got married, she had a war chest saved up and I was in awe and set about immediately to convince her that she needed to spend it on something.  I have always held that the money one day will become worthless, therefore; spend it now on something of value that can multiply in the future.  My bets are on food, tools, ammo, weapons (for defense) and tithing.  All provide good returns.  But, other than a mortgage and schooling, we have been counseled to not take on debt - and I think its good counsel.  The trap has already been sprung and one day, I believe, we will all find ourselves owing someone who took on our debt.  I believe they will have records of how much of it we owe and will come knocking for it.  Those who are still in debt (without the ability to repay because jobs do not exist and the current fiat currency system is baked), will be sent to prison camps to work it off.  It will be dire for several years until relief comes.  That is one thing that Spencer chose not to mention in Visions of Glory - I think he left much out because its too disturbing.  What he did include is too disturbing for many, as it is.

The Germans, the Russians, the Cambodians, and the Chinese have always relied on work camps in order to control the people who they have declared enemies.  Even the Book of Mormon describes a situation that is eerily similar to this.  Where despotism exists, this form of subjugation is common.  So, there you have it.  Another thing that I think is coming in our future.  It will not last forever, but it will be one part of the puzzle that defines those who survive the plagues, the geological upheavals, the war on our soil and much else that we will be witness to.

Here is an article from WND that got me spun up:


Debtors' prisons alive and well in U.S.!

Shock study finds those who can't pay small fines locked up

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/04/debtors-prisons-alive-and-well-in-u-s/#J78TEYYMxgxOd54Y.99

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