Thursday, April 25, 2013


If you expect to make it through what is coming, you will need to become a consecrated man/woman, couple, then family, then community.  That is the minimum standard for those who would be part of a Terrestrial existence.  I have battled mightily (and tired out the moderators on LDSFF), those who are attempting to parse some old sayings and to justify themselves in paying their tithing on their net in lieu of their gross.  I know there is some latitude in the official handbook on the matter - and I am not here to condemn, nor to argue that.  Some raging apostates will feign anger at how funds are used on various Church programs and then decide that they alone will decide how those funds are used - seeking to counsel the Lord and those (human and mortal ones) who have been chosen to direct the affairs of the Church.  I do not mind folks who ask questions in a humble and submissive manner - but will NOT tolerate those who derisively take pot shots at those chosen through the Lord's process to lead the Church.  Are our leaders human and fallible?  YES.  Are they to be laughed at and torn down publicly?  NO!!  We are to pray for them and seek out the best for them - heaven knows I could do far less good of a job if in their shoes.

So, my point is this:  if we are attempting to increase our spirit and magnify who we are, we should be looking for increased ways to serve, give and grow the Kingdom of God - not looking for a technicality upon which we can excuse ourselves to lesser things.  In so doing, we damn ourselves to a lesser future and a lesser role in God's Kingdom - and that, hinging upon whether we would even qualify, or not, for the glorious future that is nearly upon us.  A consecrated people will make it into the next phase of this earth's existence - or at least what I would call the transitional phase towards the terrestrial existence we will move into.  The devil's description of that is the "age of aquarious" - what a load of tripe......  The devil imitates, God creates.  I am going to repeat that over and over - thanks to Emily and her friend who wrote the book, "There Are Save Two Churches Only" that I am reading now.  I am so sick of cheap fakes and fakers/feigners out there who attempt to deceive and lead people from the correct path.  My BS meter is now just a siren that is constantly blaring away.  No rest from it lately.

I will never forget the quote from Ashton, one of the co-founders of WordPerfect.  He said the more he gave away, the more he got.  He could not give it away fast enough.  He lived a consecrated life and found joy in having less, while blessing the lives of those around him.  I note that once he left WP, things went downhill at the company.  Sometimes, I feel as if things are just simply put in place so that individuals with the right mindset (who will use riches - if they seek for them - to bless the lives of others as taught in 3 Nephi), can flourish.  Once the need is over, the thing that was provided by the Lord usually evaporates away as if it were never there to begin with.  Many in Utah know the story/lore of the Lost Rhoades Mine.  According to what I understand of it, the Salt Lake Temple simply could not have been built to the level of adornment and with the speed that it was without that resource that the Lord (and some Ute Indians who were following explicit orders).

The same thing can be said of Jesse Knight.  He finally repented of some stubbornness and wayward ways and he was blessed with untold wealth.  Most of it helped benefit the lives of those in Utah - and he was told specifically that the treasure contained in the hills and kept hidden for a wise purpose in God, was not for the non-Mormons who had arrived to rape and pillage for their own glory/profit, but to bless the lives of the Saints in those valleys.  He was a key player in making sure BYU remained afloat and succeeded through some key trials.  I watched a movie of the founding of my alma-mater (soul mother) while on a tour of the campus a month ago and I wept and had renewed gratitude for Jesse Knight and Karl G. Maeser and their vision and hard work:
I love the respite from the world that BYU was for me.  Magical is the only way to describe my time there almost twenty years ago.

The third and final work of the Lord in regards to treasures hidden up, that will help move the work along in a way that will be ground-breaking in every sense of the words, is the Dream Mine.  It will either be a consecrated effort and the proceeds will be used to bless the lives of good people and establish Zion in all her beauty, or it simply will not succeed, as envisioned by Koyle.  I am watching intently as the reports come in from the midwest of TOO MUCH rain - such that there is flooding and water-logged fields where-in they cannot plant for several more weeks.  The window for planting corn is closing.  If the rains cease and we enter yet another drought cycle, I will begin to really hedge my bets that we are truly in it - and you will have little time left to get your long-term food storage in place before you either have no more money or no more food to buy, if you do have sufficient funds.  The curtains may be closing folks - just like they did last November/December on buying guns and ammo for self defense.  Oh the howling by those who did not act when they were advised to by those in the know.  On the food front - the howling will be a little more desperate because the howling is accompanied by the growling of empty stomachs....

1 comment:

  1. what do you know/ think about this:
