Thursday, April 11, 2013


When I learn something interesting and cannot later find it when needed, I drive myself nuts trying to dig it up; and more likely than not, I am not successful for whatever reason.  Thus the reason for the blog and it just so happens that about 180 people a day come here to see what's cookin' on the Wood Zone.

Sometimes, a commenter has some wild information that they share that I simply have to pass along.  I cannot search the comments if I try and go back to reference it - so please forgive me (commenter) for shining a bigger spotlight on this if it was meant to be just for those who were digging more deeply on the subject.

About 3 years ago, I was going through a very painful experience, to the point of it being so debilitating and heart wrenching and that was the point I had a very close relationship with the Lord and had been privilege to see a vision wherein I saw the Father and Heavenly Mother. I still don't understand why I was privileged to see them, nevertheless it showed me the promise I made in the pre-existence and the life I chose including the pain I was going through, being part of that choice. At about the same time, I also dreamed of being inside a room with a few people and we were all looking at some sort of a monitor and I can't remember if it was the Savior or the Prophet speaking to us giving us instructions and those in that room were given three stones, a silver, a white stone and something like a gold stone. I don't know to this day what it represent but reading this article, sort of gave me a bit of a clue. I wish I knew more.

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