Sunday, April 14, 2013


Well, I just got the news that I am life-long banned from LDSFF for saying that I did not feel the Spirit at the fireside presentation of Doug Mendenhall's book a week ago.  The head moderator and creator of LDSFF, Brain Mecham is a huge fan and a believer of the New Age crap that Mendenhall was peddling (Jedi mind tricks).  I simply stood up to be counted and chimed in with my opinion and the opinion of everyone who was present at the fireside that I queried - the Spirit simply was not present after the Book of Mormon presenter was finished that evening.  There was subtle undercurrents of Brethren bashing among other things on the part of Mendenhall.  I was able to meet (get close) to his daughter afterwards and I did not feel the light that I expected had she really been a witness to the Savior.  There is a certain glow and feeling that is unmistakably recognizable - its the same feeling/aura that I had the night I received just a portion when I had the dream about my boy.  That was not present with Doug, nor his daughter.  Now - this is a very direct assessment of two people - and I am doing it on purpose.  Serenitylala - who also frequents the forum had the same assessment of what they were peddling and a terse warning of caution to watch out for them.  She stated that she has never been wrong - and I believe it.  She has the gift of discernment in spades and can detect someone who is not an "angel of light".

I will say this - I approach with trepidation anyone who is selling anything (including books).  When knowledge is given freely from God - and you are not a person of means, I say sell plasma or do most anything else, but find a way to get it out freely to people.  The minute you begin to sell it (at a profit), you generally cease to have the Spirit with you over time and motivation for disbursing knowledge and light usually becomes twisted.  If you donate any proceeds after publishing costs, to a good cause, such as Sarah Menet (There is No Death) giving profits to the missionary fund, then you are an acceptable path.  I look forward to the day when we do not have to focus so much on the things of Babylon (money and temporal matters) and can spend a larger portion of our time doing "spiritually value-added" things instead of the baser things.

I found out Doug Mendenhall is advertising a paid conference for teaching his "directed energy" stuff.  Um, I call that priestcraft.  I guess if calling that out on a public forum is bad - then I deserve to get booted....

In the meantime, I will troll for good stuff that is worthy and still post it on this blog and spend less time batting down the anti's on that forum.....


  1. I'm on avow these days and it has been good information but I am reluctant to pay the 5$ for much the same reasons you state here. I find it a good source for interesting info but I am wondering about how much it is used by the founders for gain. I like the info and the lds perspective i see there.
    steve b southern alberta

  2. The following are my personal questions…not for posting, but that’s your choice:
    Interesting...I don't think there is much loss with being banned from LDSFF, from what I have read over the years, it’s not worth the time. However, I am curious about your assessment of Mendenhall. We know from 2 Nephi 4:34 to never trust the arm of flesh. I for one do not want to become cursed. Your reason seem valid, but in some ways inconsistent. There has to be some reason you trust Serenitylala beyond what you have said in this post to be consistent with scripture? How do you feel about Denver Snuffer? Have you ever met that man? Have you ever met or conversed with Doug Mendenhall personally? I trust what the spirit is saying to me and know that our Lord makes considerations for His servants, for which I am grateful. I live without purse or scripture takes tremendous faith and have met only two such souls on this earth today.
    You should know that I received a strong spiritual confirmation at that April conference a few years ago, when President Monson was originally sustained by the membership of this Church to his position and I believe he holds the keys of his office for this church, but do I believe he cannot make mistakes that will lead the Church astray. A careful and detailed study of church history confirms that these men have made many mistakes. Agency is so important that the Lord allows it even to our making mistakes, even in our callings. I know that mistakes by past church leaders have lead this church off the path the Lord originally revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith. I am currently praying for and still believe that these men and women are trying their best to lead us, but before I follow their counsel I inquire of the Lord.
    Did Christ ever challenge Caiaphas or the Sanhedrin’s right to rule the church or Jewish people?

  3. How can I get in touch with you? I did not see any contact information on this blog. I would like to write you an email in private.


  4. Sorry to hear about that. The anti's were the very reason I left. I love the scripture "Seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened unto you." This is a principle with a promise! If you seek it out, you are promised that you will find what you are looking for. I am certain of it. There are so many great things out there. Every blog entry does not necessarily have to be about the Last Days and the Second Coming. There are so many great topics and things we can all be working on to strengthen our testimony's, increase our faith, and get prepared. I'm sure you will continue to have a great blog!!!!! You know, I love the book "The Enoch Letters" I am always so amazed at how Enoch was able to take so very many personalities and teach them how to truly love one another and want to help each other, to build one another up and truly care about someone else more than they cared about self. Let's talk about the City of Enoch, or have you read the book "The Peace Giver" or the book Earth: In The Beginning, now that is a meaty book. Or maybe we could dissect some really good thought provoking scriptures. Just some suggestions. :)

  5. I find it interesting that you were banned. I think I read your post and didn't find anything particularly offensive to me. LDSFF LDS freedom Forum doesn't believe in freedom of speech. IRONIC HUH! I don't always agree with you but I don't think you would ban me from posting a comment. This is one of the many reasons that I like coming back. Keep the faith and keep posting away. I like reading the stuff here. I don't agree with everything here but these articles are in the least thought provoking.

    Where the ban like a badge of honor :-)

  6. my contact info is I would love to hear from you. My guess is another horror story about being banned from LDSFF where there is little true "freedom".....LOL

    1. Sorry to hear about your banning from LDSFF. There are quite a few characters on that forum that are well on their way to being anti, if not already there. I don't post there as much as I did anymore, though there are a few interesting things.

      Take care. Samizdat.

  7. I was going to tell you after the meeting in Highland, an email came and said his daughter would be speaking on the things that are happening now and the things that will soon happen in our country. We couldn't resist and curiosity got the better of us. We went and I have to tell you it was really tough to get through! She didn't say anything we were already aware of, but left feeling like something was off again. After Ry and I read this post, it became much clearer as to why. Thanks for posting! And I would second what big Matt had to say, "wear that ban like a badge with honor"! We are talking about taking a trip up to see the fam! Camper and all!

  8. I was temporarily banned from LDSFF for daring to critique a book by another author but I made it permanent. Too many people resorting to dogma for their opinions instead of thoughtful reflection and inspiration and I grew tired of it.

    That said, I did read Mendenhall's book 'Conquering Spiritual Evil' and I found some good information in there. But I've always been open to finding truth wherever it may be, and it does sometimes come from unexpected places. My wife works in a school and based on the experiences she has had working with kids, there are lots of possession issues. Many things in the book rang true for me, especially when I compare my own experiences. There is a scriptural justification for shields as well, which he discusses at length.

    You post a great deal about the Dream Mine (which some regard as a boondoggle and deception of itself). When mining, the miners must sift through a great deal of dirt and rock to get the good stuff. In this world it is often so with truth. We must sift through a great deal of dreck to extract bits of truth. That's why I try to focus on the message above the messenger, but for most it's the other way around. Even fallen people can be in possession of truth. It takes a lot of mental and spiritual effort to constantly sift incoming information and concepts to mine out the precious stuff. A lot of diamonds get discarded by many simply because they're found in a clump of dirt. Keep the diamond and discard the dirt.

  9. That is not why you were banned (yes, I do know), and you are spreading lies and speculating about Doug Mendenhall. Very sad gossip and lies.

  10. By your definition of priest craft...

    The Church
    Desret Book
    Church Farms & Ranches

    All engage in priest crafts.

    Are you going to post about them too? Perhaps you don't have an axe to grind with them.
    Very sad you have resorted to speaking aagainst the annointed.

  11. @ Anonymous that posted July 1 10:31PM, Let's protect Mendenhall while at the same time bashing the brethren. Share the "real reason" I know of some people who got banned because they cast doubt on Denver Snuffer on the LDSFF.

  12. Daryl, I see you follow Denver Snuffer. Where's he been? I know he hasn't posted on his blog for awhile...maybe he was told to stop his apostate ways or be excommunicated!

  13. Daryl is one of the biggest phonies on LDSFF!

  14. It's interesting you used Serinitylala in your proof that it's bad. She is truly inspired and I have met her on several occasions. I sat next to her during her first time sitting in Doug's seminar. It was my first as well. She was very cautious and almost doubtful when she went sat down, but near the end she stood up, went to the front and began bearing her testimony that she knows that this man speaks the truth and is full of light. She was crying and thanking him for all that he's sacrificed to bring this truth to light. I didn't know her at all before that meeting, but we became friends afterward. Daryl was also at that first meeting and he felt the light as well. I think you would like him if you met him in person rather than throwing angry words around on the internet. You don't have to believe because maybe you're not ready to and that's ok, but don't tear down the messenger and message because you weren't ready to receive. Peace to you and I hope you find truth... in whatever form you are able to receive it.

  15. I don't know any of these people or groups. However, when you question and label anyone making money on their speaking, printed material, etc.- I wonder where you fit John Pontius and "Spencer" since they have raked in millions of dollars on their book regarding sacred things. I understand it has just been published in Portuguese. There is a terrific article by Pres. Packer called "Candle of the Lord" from the Ensign in the 1980s. Tells of the dangers in sharing sacred visions, experiences and revelations - blessings which have been given "for the individual - not the world". Just wondering - seems a lot of money, time and attention is being paid to contributions other than that coming from the General Authorities.

  16. LOL - If you haven't been banned from LDSFF you are not doing your job standing for the church. There is a bunch of good information mixed with a bunch of garbage.
