Thursday, April 25, 2013


Okay - I just get doing a piece talking about supporting the Brethren, and then this??

That puts the OUT in Scouts and the BS in BSA.....

My oldest is pretty much out of scouts, so I do not have to worry about him sleeping in a tent with another who might be attracted to him sexually.....  If they had said that it was okay for young women and young men to go on overnighters and sleep in the same tent, I would have the same reaction.  It is wholly inappropriate for an innocent 12 year old to be on a campout with minimal supervision and possibly be assigned to a tent with an 18 year old who might try to bust a move on him because of same-sex attraction.  I know how the homosexuals work, in inducting "fresh meat" into their ranks.  Because they are not a normal societal group, they constantly have to be "recruiting" so to speak in order to have fresh "conquests".  I have heard horror stories about how they work.  Folks - they are pedophiles, many of them.  Sorry - this is not homophobic, its fact based on statistics and observations.  And yes, the "lifestyle" is self-destructive and is the work of satan and his minions.  Repentance is the only answer - and counseling where hormonal or androgenous conditions exist.

All I can say is wow, I am moving off to the hills to be alone and detach myself from society where I can live some semblance of family and Godly values.  Oh, wait.  I already did that.....  Anyone want to throw everything into the kitty and start a commune?  I will call it the "1838 Project" and live life mostly how they did back in Far West - okay, maybe with the internet (heavily filtered) and cars - but nothing else.....  I am ready to go hippee all the way, home schooling and everything....

Here is the article that got me spun up and still has my head spinning:


  1. At first, when I read the article, I myself wondered...What???? Support homosexual principles???? Huh??? I felt confused at first too. Then I got to thinking and tried to take what in my finite mind thinks is right and tried to think of it how the Lord would think of "young" children and what he would think is best for them to help them in this difficult journey we call life. Ya know, there are so so many conflicting and confusing messages out there being rammed down our throats that when you are young it is difficult to determine which ones are good messages and which ones are bad, especially if you have not been taught by righteous/goodly parents.

    Well, when I read the article about it in the Church News, I came upon this little paragraph and it hit me....this is the Lord's answer, this is what he thinks.

    "For nearly 100 years we have worked together with the mutual goal of building the moral character and leadership skills of youth," Smith said. "We believe kids are better off when they are in Scouting, and the program is successful because of its relationship with valued chartered organizations like the (LDS) Church."

    The leadership of the Church, I am sure they were counseled by the Lord (and I am also sure they took this dilema to the Lord in prayer) states that "THE KIDS ARE BETTER OFF WHEN THEY ARE IN THE SCOUTING PROGRAM."

    Maybe, just maybe the Scouting program can help turn some of them around, teach them better values, help them to understand what being morally straight really means.

    Now, after having read this article and giving the matter some consideration, with this new outlook, I am o.k. with what the church has said. I think it wise to keep the homosexual adults OUT of the progam so they cannot "indoctrinate"
    the children any further than they already do, and let the boys into the program where they can be monitored and taught by those men who are hopefully morally straight righteous and God fearing individuals.

    Hopefully there will be success in teaching the youth of our day what it means to be "Moral, Productive, Creative, Inspiring, Provide Service, and live honest, honorable, respectable, and clean lives.

    Peace my friend.

    1. Would you care to comment on President Uchtdorf's position on agreeing with Obama on the amnesty plan?

  2. well they have done this in canada for the previous ten years. what has basically occured is the lds troops continue to function with their moral standard and if a homosexual boy scouts wants to join they join in another troop. This will go this direction because the boy scouts can not have the lds scouts leaving . this is from a fully financial perspective. In canada in the troops it has seemed to had any errouneous effects yet... that i am aware of. It does make me leery and it it often brings to the forefront that many stake presidents are moving away from the the scouting program.

    steve b

  3. One word.................... Whiplash!

    After Conference and after Dallen H. Oaks talk about how being PC is not good. After out prophet stands up and give one of the best talks about how obedience to God will bring the blessings of knowledge.


    Homosexuality is bad but its OK for the children. I just don't understand. This is like a total 180 from what I heard in conference on all fronts. Does anyone think this is strange or is it just me.

    Its got to be a test!
    Hang on for the ride its getting more interesting!

    Big Matt

  4. I think the reason they allow all the boys to be a part of scouts, regardless of orientation, is that no boy is ostrasized. The leaders, all of which live by high moral standards,(in theory--two deep leadership, etc.) can keep a watchful eye and even have older boys in different tents than younger ones, if they are on the same excursion together. This just means we have to do a better job as parents of educating, preparing our kids for how to handle uncomfortable situations, should they arise, and helping kids to honor their bodies and their choices, so that they feel comfortable saying "no" when needed. They need to know these skills for any situation that could arise...even on a mission with a companion, although that is much more unlikely, but it has happened. Sometimes just being included during the difficult teens and impressionable ages and seeing good examples can heal some of the hurt and emotions that caused one to feel acceptance by choosing alternate paths in the first place. Not saying "not being or feeling accepted" is the reason all are gay, but those that are the most vulnerable and need acceptance become the easiest prey to the designs of others.

    Where this is going to get people riled, though, in my opinion, is when it crosses the transgender line, and you have boys who have had a sex change wanting acceptance from the girls in girls scouts, or visa versa. The line will continue to get blurred in my opinion. I have a cousin who dresses and has completed a lot of steps to become a girl (he was born a boy) and made all the changes except for the last most private organ. When someone asked him if he was going to get rid of that, he said, no, he wanted to have the fun of having things both was too much fun to have that and too much fun to have things the other way. He wanted the "best" of both worlds. Some people start out all sanctamonious and play the victim card to garner sympathy, acceptance, and tolerance, and then when you get down to the brass tacks, it is all about pure decadence and what you can get away with. How sincere was he in his desires to feel feminine, it made me wonder...I felt like he was selling me a load of garbage...
