Friday, March 15, 2013


I received this from a reader who knows Joel well enough to have gotten the word from him.  It was not a "gad" thing.  I cannot remember the name of the Democrat senator from Missouri who died when there was plane trouble back during the term of George Bush.  This death was pivotal - as it pushed the balance of power in George Bush's way in the Senate and allowed him to push the whole NWO agenda and the NDAA agenda that we are now heavily suffering under (kill lists and drones on domestic soil).

When someone gets in the way, and they disappear or get "suicided", I pay attention.  You can fully call me a "conspiracy theorist" nut - because that is what our Book of Mormon teaches - that these people who run the show, once they have fully established themselves among the people, will systematically eliminate those who oppose them until there is little or no voice of dissension.

It is a dream of mine in this life to build a little four seater and fly it.  I have taken ground school and need to get my hours in so I can get my pilot's license - one day.  IF I ever get to it, I will fly only with a parachute for the plane for those unexpected oopsies.....

Here is what Joel had to say about the crash:

On a personal note, the private plane I pilot regularly for travel lost power from a fuel blockage and I had to ditch it into a recently plowed cornfield this week. I was only 1/4 mile short of the runway but I chose to turn at the last minute toward the farmland to avoid people and property between me and the airfield, even knowing it wasn’t going to turn out good for the airplane. I’m glad I had that choice.
The field was too soft to support a landing so the landing gear dug in and the plane tumbled and broke apart. The composite fuselage broke in half right where I was sitting and separated from the lower wing. The tumbling was violent enough to actually tear my seat belt apart so all I had to do when it came to a stop is step out onto the ground through the broken fuselage.
Miraculously, I was completely unhurt except for a few minor cuts and bruises (which showed up a day later–along with every muscle being stiff). Many of my friends who came over from the airport shook their heads in amazement after looking at the airplane and remarked how lucky I was.
Well, it wasn’t luck or skill other than having the presence of mind to bring a powerless plane in for a landing without stalling—which is always fatal. Gliding in, the tendency is to stretch the glide to avoid a fence or pick a better spot to land and the pilot who does that usually stalls and spirals in vertically, which you can’t survive. In fact, recently, I had just read a story in Flying magazine about an experienced military pilot like myself who did just that, and I remembered all the way down, “don’t get slow.”
I never lost consciousness during the crash and violent tumbling but I was surprised how quickly it all ended (75 mph to zero in less than 2 seconds, estimated), and there I was sitting amidst the wreckage completely OK, except for the shock of it all. The final outcome was in the hands of God and I’m thankful for His mercy. And, thanks to all those who expressed concern for my welfare in emails. News videos and pictures were online, so news spread pretty rapidly. I guess you never know quite how you are appreciated until you come close to death.

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