Monday, February 11, 2013


I know, I know I keep going over and over this again - but I got some great commentary on it from a reader, Kathy.  I had some thoughts in relation to her input that I thought might give some insight on how I feel about him.

Here is the reason I really like him.  He was from the period in the Church before what I call the "transformation" where we went from the Brigham Young "screw you if you don't like it - its the Lord's will; get over it" attitude, to the Progressive, "lets all be nice on the playfield, be PC and get along" sissified attitudes (the same attitudes that have caused the simultaneous demise of our once-great nation), just so we can have some (weak) adherents join our church in greater numbers.  We are doing starts right now for this summer's garden - the ones that are being pampered are weak and spindly and will probably amount to nothing.  The ones that we are letting it rip on (exposed to the elements, etc) will probably do handsomely, compared.  I say "let it rip" and let the chips fall where they may.  I have never shied away from controversy.  Even at work, in the PC environment I am immersed in, a decade ago when I was sent to a week long "re-education camp" to have the Progressive BS shoved down my throat, I talked about inclusiveness in terms of my religious experience historically in this country - in other words, "you can't tell me about tolerance towards homosexuality, ad nauseum until you its a two-way street baby - that allows me to have my views while allowing them the space and agency to do as they please - all the while teaching consequences directly related to actions and not preaching that we need to find a cure for AIDS when there is a cure; abstinence, or at least monogamy.....".  If I have to live as a hermit with no form of employment while the whole world has gone to hell, I will maintain proper principle.  Same thing with the Scouts, and what is going on there.  In the old days, we simply held the bar and stuck to our guns.  I sense a slide going on - and its unnerving to say the least.  So, in the old days, men were real men; some even mighty men of God, had power in their Priesthood because they did not stoop, cower, back-slide or give an inch on good principle.  For this, these real men commanded miracles in the name of Jesus Christ and had the spirit of prophecy and revelation (the testimony of Jesus) and spoke with authority and power.  John Koyle was one of those.  Today, I hear "wus" words, like "might be healed" or "if it be Thy will".  Do you have faith in your Priesthood and your position before God and your ability to receive that sudden inspiration to bless the person to live, OR NOT??  Have you had regular re-affirming experiences in your lives, or have you not??  We are surrounded in a state of "luke-warmedness" and mushiness and do not know how to be real men.  Many people are desperate for someone to step up and show some leadership - because they know not how to act.

When I began to see fewer and fewer miracles in the Church - fewer and fewer instances of the Three Nephites ministering among the modern inhabitants of America, I began to be concerned.  We do not have a recorded instance of one of them ministering in my family since the 1880's.  The collective faith of the people is in a sorry state.  The pride of the Gentiles is above all peoples of all lands - so much so that the litmus for them manifesting themselves is usually to come incognito in the form of a beggar or lowly member of society and see if the proud; noses in the air; will even look down for a second to see if they can offer some assistance, even if only a kind word or gentle smile.  It is sad, that the only story I can offer on my blog is one of a co-worker - not even of my faith - who had three middle eastern looking men show up and heal him of some nasty stuff.  They are at work among God's children, but not generally among the Saints (so far as I can tell) because we are lifted in our pride above the nations (read 2 Nephi 28-31).

So, Koyle because he exercised his gifts properly, was tossed out and ostracized.  The day comes when he will be held in some form of esteem.  Not because of worldly learning or accomplishments, or wealth, or power - but because he exercised God's gifts without apology.  You do not get that kind of following just for being a nice guy.  People believed in him and what he had to say out of respect for the kind of person he was.

Here is that commentary I promised (from an earlier blog piece on him):

  1. Where is this mine and who holds the shares?
  2. The mine is in Salem, UT. I remember driving past it while on Sunday drives with my newly-married wife at BYU and thinking - WOW!!! It kind of blows the mind - just sitting there on a hillside. Then I learned the history of it. I believe the shares are privately held - but there may be local brokers in Provo, UT that deal in specialty paper like that. Wildly eclectic stuff. I would like to own a share - just for the fun of it to have on my wall as a conversation piece. Let me know if you find a source for that stuff.
  3. I thought 2011 was the winter where the snow piled up in drifts, and 2012 was the 1st year of the drought. It was all over the news all summer long. I was really surprised Romney did not win, because we still have a Democratic President. That one puzzles me. Maybe the dates aren't yet. Maybe we've got 4 more years before a Republican president will be elected.
    1. Me, again...

      I've been thinking a lot about this and here is what I have come up with. Koyle never said exactly what order things would happen in -- its left to us to surmise. We assume that the Crash happens when the republican is in office, that the drought begins happening before the crash and that the republican is the president with the 'big ears'. But instead, I propose:

      1. The crash happened in 2008 on Oct 10, 2008 -- which is the Columbus Day holiday weekend -- on which Columbus Day is a Monday.

      2. A republican president WAS in office at this time, GW Bush.

      3. The government PROPS the economy UP for awhile before it falls

      4. The republican in office is the last republican president we will ever have (BUSH) ... Obama is here, and will likely follow another socialist dictator

      5. Something will happen to the president while he is in office (obviously not Bush, and not another republican, so this must mean Obama or his successor).

      6. The drought followed by the open winter (last year) is probably the first or second year of the *real* drought that Koyle spoke of. US Dept of Ag likely under-reported the numbers due to the comments I read from many farmers on the actual AG Web website. What I read from them directly contradicted the more positive outlook being advertised by the USDA.

      Other things are yet to come about still -- the worst of the drought and famine, the war, the mysterious terrible thing that happens to the president while he is still in office that finally causes the country/economy to fall to its knees. But I think its coming. And soon most likely.
    2. Kathy,

      I cannot refute what you have to say. I have tried to put Koyle's stuff all together - and I think you have the best scenario. This is a double - humper. The second one (steep decline) will happen around September 2015. It will be COMPLETE - no hope after. That fits in with personal revelation for me and my job situation. I think we are in the second year of the drought (this summer will confirm it). One thing more - I am confident that Koyle was right all along, but we are getting all of what he did say from second hand memories after quite some time after it was said. Simply put, alot of stuff gets lost from memory over time - even the best of brains will embellish or lose stuff - so for the few minor things that appear to be off, I would never fault him for it. Rather, I would say I would keep the baby and discard the bathwater. I cannot wait to see how this all plays out. We live in frightening times - and we live in very exciting times!


  1. So what you're saying is this last year's crops are figured by the government in much the same way the unemployment numbers are figured. I can't argue with that.

    I have to agree with the assessment about PC. We who are members of the church need to stand up for what's right regardless of the consequences because the alternative is damnation. I'd rather be unpopular for my brief lifespan than to violate my principles.

  2. Greetings, A friend of mine had a vision 4 years ago, right after Obama was elected the first time. He saw Obama barricading himself in the White House in the first year of his third term in office. He had the military clear out most of Washington DC, blow a few roads and bridges into the area, and had posted military guards to prevent anyone from entering the deserted city. My friend couldn't discern the reason Obama was setting up a perimeter, nor could he push past that date to see what was happening further. However, this fits in with a few of Bishop Koyle's statements.

  3. I agree wholeheartedly with you assessment of PC.

    When I give priesthood blessings I listen very closely to the spirit. A few week ago the spirit whispered the shortest blessing I ever gave... BE THOU WHOLE... and the doctor's visit the next week the doctor could not even find the lump let alone take a biopsy of it.

    I believe that the descriptions in Visions of Glory will have to happen as the priesthood becomes aware of the power needed to survive... 100% healing and EVEN raising the dead.

    D&C 24:13 Require not miracles, except I shall command you, EXCEPT casting out devils; healing the sick, and against poisonous serpents, and against deadly poisons; 14- And these things ye shall not do, except it be required of you by them who desire it, that the scriptures might be fulfilled; for ye shall do according to that which is written.

    The way I read this... I can REQUIRE THE MIRICAL OF HEALING THE SICK.
