Wednesday, December 5, 2012


There is a lot of back and forth out there right now on whether or not the meso-American model or the upstate New York model is the correct one.

I honestly am not smart enough to figure it out and therefore have no opinion.  I have had no spiritual witness one way or another on it.

What I do know is that there is alot of back and forth on the subject - and think that there is scant little evidence out there not because it has not be revealed, but because it has been suppressed and people know not where to find it.

I thought this was interesting  - and just a portion of what is out there; but you really have to dig to find it.

Here is one of the books that has a good source of early history on these Western NY Indian ruins:

1 comment:

  1. how "unbiased" is the Chapman research. These seem like amazing discoveries for historical links to BoM, but they are not known by other historians? Seems wishful, but fishy.
