Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Man, I hate it when I am right about something.  I have spent literally hundreds of hours poring over the data on B-12 and I am so grateful for the knowledge I have gained on it.  I have to give credit where credit is due.  God is great!

About two years ago, one of our old Washington ward members had her gall bladder out.  When I got news of it, I told my wife that she would become B-12 deficient for lack of that particular organ in the body which makes one of the essential fluids necessary for the synthesizing of B-12 from the food its found in; typically red meat, some shellfish and a few veggies.  For being so essential to normal brain function and nervous system health, it sure is difficult to get that stuff into your diet - especially if you follow the Word of Wisdom and limit your meat intake or the Jewish law for kosher food; or both....
Sure enough, my wife was contacted by the gall bladder gal a month or two ago out of the blue because she wanted the scoop on what to do as her B-12 levels were down - and my wife did not make the details of how she knew it available to me, but it was a confirmation of what I had said a couple of years previous.  She was one of the ones in my dream or vision I had about 4 years before that.

I have alluded to the dream or vision I had when I prayed mightily about what to do with my wife's condition after our last one was born - which caused the depletion in her body and the onset of her condition.  I can pick a woman out of a crowd who is suffering from the same things my wife was.  There is a certain look in their faces, sometimes asymmetry in pupil dilation left to right.  Sometimes, its simply the disjointedness in their speech or lack of ability to put a cohesive thought train together.  General confusion - similar to someone who has Alzheimers or dementia - and they are all related.  I even throw MS in there, as well.  The source of most of these maladies is stress (increased cortizol levels) which knocks out your natural B-12 levels and pretty much causes your brain to shrink and the myelin sheathing of your nervous system to begin to degrade and electrical shorting to occur.   Arrythmias and other conditions all the way down to "grumpy old men" can be alleviated by regular B-12 injections.  No kidding here folks.

So, if you have read about my Dallin dream that we were given the night our little guy passed over, you know that in the tape I made of it before we found him dead in the crib room, I spent about half of the 45 mins we recorded trying to describe the nature of the love I felt in the dream.  Take the strongest spiritual "rush" or "high" you have ever had in the Temple and multiply it by about 10 and that is what it was like.  Pretty much off the charts from my standpoint - almost to the point of consuming of the flesh because we are not used to it in our telestial condition as Lehi, Joseph Smith, Moses and many others have commented on.  Come to think of it - the only time it was close previous to that was when I believe I received my baptism of fire as an 11 yr old after coming home from a Stake Mtg where Neal A Maxwell spoke via satellite.  Back - to the Dallin dream; I think my boy had just come directly from the presence of the Savior - and that love and environment must be amazing if a portion of that Heavenly love is what I was feeling.

So in the dream or night vision or whatever it was, I was in a room and was filled with the same amazing love of the "Dallin dream".  The room was something akin to a Celestial Room of the Temple.  There were many women (I did not recognize any males to be present), and I would estimate their number to be around 20-30?  They were all sitting in chairs in a circular pattern, facing inward toward each other.  I was in an attitude from the ceiling at the 5 o'clock position (in relation to the door - which may have been the exit to the room) about 15 feet above them and observing them.  There was extreme excitement - the feeling was palpable.  There was excited chatter - mostly quiet but animated whispering among themselves with their neighbors.  Their dress was simple - mostly white but everything had a golden hue to it - as if it were on fire, but it could not be consumed.  The room appeared to be on fire with the same golden glow.  I had the ability to move about by thought and I was curious what the excitement was about.  I then moved (floated) through the air and descended on the seated circle of women arriving just behind the circled chairs at about the 2 o'clock position moving CCW and picking up on their conversations - though I do not remember a thing of what they were saying - just that they were very animated about something.  I proceeded around the circle - with my feet floating behind me and my head within 12 inches of theirs listening as I went.  Some glanced at me but I do not believe I was the object of their excited exchanges.  There was some information that had just been given to them that would have a major impact to them or someone they cared about.  There was no exchange of words with me, but I was able to hear clearly what they were saying as I passed by them.  They were beautiful women - not necessarily by the world's standards, but their countenances were vibrant which made them beautiful and radiant.  I recognized my wife's friend who just announced she is B-12 deficient as one of the ones who was there - even though we would not meet for at least another two years when they moved into our ward.

When I had circled about 180 degrees around the circle to the 7 o'clock position, basking in the love and excitement, I suddenly woke up to a distinct and solid phrase that was emblazoned in my mind:


After having the "Dallin Dream", I began to have prophetic dreams on a regular basis.  I would dream them, tell my wife about them and wait for them to come about.  They were very frequent - and would happen about every other day or so.  One that sticks out in my mind was one about a 777-200LR that had an incident (not a crash - no airframe loss), but had to be evacuated on the tarmac.  I knew it was a -200LR because I watched the evacuation from a perspective in front of the wing on the right side and there was no over-wing exit that the -300ER has.  I told my wife about it in some detail (I even gave her the airline based on the logo I saw on the side of the plane) and then went to work.  On my first break around 10am, I opened the Drudge Report and there was a picture of the exact scene I had witnessed in my dream including the correct airplane model and the same airline color scheme painted that I had seen.   I was so freaked out I was shaking and I called my wife immediately to tell her about it.  It was sometime after this that I prayed and asked for it to go away.  It was beginning to freak me out and I was starting to obsess over it a little too much.  I consider that one of the worst things I have ever done - something about the brush with the divine after losing my Son gave me this gift on a regular basis - and then me asking for it to go away instead of asking for wisdom to enlarge it and to use it wisely.  I was pretty naive then - and still am, I suppose.... 

But, because of the Dallin Dream, I was in the habit of keeping a large yellow post-it in the headboard and a pen or two handy to jot down impressions if I thought there was a message in one of them for me/my family.  I wrote down the phrase on that yellow post-it and as soon as I was able, headed for the computer thinking I could google something and the name of a doctor or miracle cure for my wife's condition would pop up.  I tried every angle and could find nothing that seemed like an answer.  I felt a little frustrated to say the least.

A few years later and two 72 hour fasts later and we were able to crack that little mystery.  God is faithful and good to those who knock, seek and find the answer as the door is opened to them.

Here is an old post on B12 that I think is cool:

Reading previous posts, you will know that we just discovered that my wife suffered from a major vitamin deficiency (B12).

Not only does it lead to bi-polar symptoms, but lack of B12 can cause dementia, premature greying, and a whole host of other late-life maladies. Recent research from a leading scientist would seem to agree with this:

    Bruce Ames: Vitamin insufficiency boosting age-related diseases
    Post a comment09-Feb-2010

    Related topics: Research, Antioxidants, carotenoids, Minerals, Vitamins & premixes, Bone & joint health, Cancer risk reduction, Cardiovascular health, Cognitive and mental function, Diabetes

    It is literally all about living for today. By understanding that nature favours survival today over tomorrow, a theory that vitamin inadequacy is behind the rise in chronic diseases “makes sense… and it is almost certainly going to be right,” says world-renowned scientist Bruce Ames.

    In an exclusive interview with Stephen Daniells, Professor Bruce Ames from the University of California, Berkeley explains why his “triage theory” could have enormous implications for human health.

    For many, Professor Ames needs no introduction. In the 1970s, he invented the Ames Test, a simple and inexpensive assay to check the mutagenicity of compounds. Since then he has dedicated his research to understanding the biochemistry of ageing, with a focus on mitochondria, the power plants of our cells, as well as how micronutrients may prevent disease, malnutrition, and obesity.

    So, when the native New Yorker with over 450 scientific publications tells you his triage theory is “the most important thing I have ever worked on”, you sit up and listen.

    Evolutionary mechanisms

    Triage – from the French word trier meaning to sort, separate, or select – works on the battlefield by military doctors prioritising treatments depending on the probable survival of the wounded.

    Prof Ames’ theory works in much the same way: By appreciating that natural selection favours short-term survival over the long-term, Prof Ames’ hypothesised that our short-term survival is achieved by prioritising the allocation of scarce micronutrients. In other words, to stop us falling over from a lack of iron in the heart, for example, iron is pulled from non-essential sources.

    The triage theory is a way of “measuring the insidious damage going on over time”, he said.

    The theory was first proposed in 2006 (PNAS, Vol. 103, Pages 17589-94) to explain why age-related diseases like heart disease, cancer, and dementia may be unintended consequences of mechanisms developed during evolution to protect against episodic vitamin/mineral shortages.

    “If this hypothesis is correct, micronutrient deficiencies that trigger the triage response would accelerate cancer, aging, and neural decay but would leave critical metabolic functions, such as ATP production, intact,” explained Prof Ames in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

    However, since it was first published Prof Ames concedes that the wider nutrition community has not embraced the theory.

    “A new idea is always hard to get through,” he said. The resistance has come from some of the “old timers”, said the octogenarian scientist, who think that such a theory would “encourage people to take more vitamins”.

    Despite claims that the theory may have important implications for determining the optimum intake of all vitamins and minerals, as well as major implications for preventive medicine, financial funding for triage research has been difficult to obtain, said Prof Ames.

    Scientific support

    While the finances may be the lacking, scientific support is not. Working with the “very good” Joyce McCann, PhD, Prof Ames recently applied his theory to vitamin K. Writing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Vol. 90, pp. 889-907), they reported that five of the 16 known vitamin K-dependent proteins are required for coagulation had critical functions, meaning that animals genetically manipulated to have inactive forms did not survive.

    On the other hand, another five proteins were found to be less critical, and the animals survived through weaning. However, a lack of these less critical vitamin K-dependent proteins, inadequate intakes of vitamin K1 from the diet, or vitamin K deficiency were all associated with age-related conditions, including weaker bones and hardening of the arteries, which increased the risk of cardiovascular disease. An increase in the incidence of spontaneous cancer was also observed.

    “The triage theory supplies a unifying framework explaining why a crop of diseases associated with aging is emerging for so many micronutrients,” wrote McCann and Ames in the AJCN.

    “It is our hope that this analysis will stimulate further efforts to redefine micronutrient adequacy on the basis of long-term effects,” they added.

    Triage theory has cleared every hurdle it has come up against, but that doesn’t surprise Prof Ames.

    “My triage theory makes sense,” he said. “And it is almost certainly going to be right.”

    Professor Ames is also a senior scientist at Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI).



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