Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Wow - just checked the debt counter at the bottom of the blog.  We are spiraling out of control, folks.  Joseph Smith predicted that we would spend our strength and means warring in foreign lands until other nations would come in (probably partly to pay off the debts we owe them....) and to make sure we never rose as a superpower again to afflict the nations.  As Spencer said, it would be under the guise of helping out after an earth-shattering disaster.  They would come nevertheless and attempt to make us slaves in the end.  I love this country - and I love the Constitution, but I abhor what the leadership (on both sides) has done to it.

Here is the prophecy from a diary I have personally read - not internet fodder:

"There will be two great political parties in this country.

One will be called the Republicans* and the other the Democrat party. These two parties will go to war** and out of these two parties will spring another party which will be the Independent American Party***.

The United States will spend her strength and means warring in foreign lands**** until other nations will say, 'Let's divide up the lands of the United States'. Then the people of the U.S. will unite and swear by the blood of their fore-fathers, that the land shall not be divided.

Then the country will go to war, and they will fight until one half of the U.S. army will give up, and the rest will continue to struggle.

They will keep on until they are very ragged and discouraged, and almost ready to give up - when the boys from the mountains will rush forth in time to save the American Army from defeat and ruin. And they will say, 'Brethren, we are glad you have come, give us men, henceforth, who can talk with God'. Then you will have friends, but you will save the country when it's (sic) liberty hangs by a hair, as it were."

(Mosiah Lyman Hancock, Life Story of Mosiah Lyman Hancock, p.29).

If you like this blog and there is no place in your heart to accept that the train has jumped the tracks, now is probably a good time to take the next exit.  What I am about to deliver some radical stuff - that I feel is spot on when it comes to our insane military policy for the last 20 years (where we have wasted ourselves warring in foreign lands - which I have NEVER supported, other than Afghanistan as a punitive measure for 9/11).  The light bulb finally came on for me when we were instrumental in the overthrow of Libya.  I get Moammar Khdaffi and our bad blood related to the Lockerbie Bombing and all, but I did not understand that move - where we armed the same group in Libya that we have been fighting in Syria/Lebanon/Afghanistan.  Truly insane foreign policy.  I then understood about the gold dinar, the petrol dollar (all on my own) and realized the reason behind our ridiculous policies.  People we all know are fighting and dying for all the wrong stuff - not for the propaganda the mainstream media is spoon feeding us; but for an agenda driven by greed and not the principles outlined in the Book of Mormon. I will only bless my kids going off to war if it is for a good reason - as in defending our own borders and interests at home.  I will not have him shooting 19 year old kids in Iran - no matter what the lies are that we are fed this time around.....

Folks, we are near the point where we have an economic and social collapse in this country; and foreign troops come in to divide the spoils.  I may sound like a raving lunatic here - and there are many who will quit reading this blog - and I am fine with that - but watch this video before you do.  I find nothing wrong with it.  We need to peacefully oppose our corrupt leadership first so we do not end up like they did in nazi Germany where it was suddenly too late to do anything of value.


  1. Events are already unfolding; choices with consequences have already been made. Unless a greater portion of us (the people of this country) change our attitudes, behavior, etc, we reap what we sow. Law of the harvest. But even then, God does provide means of mercy to deliver his faithful, even though they do have to wade through affliction as well.

    I believe the new missionary age policy dovetails with this prophecy exactly...I will not say how, but when I first heard it announced, that was the first thing that came to my mind was particularly one sentence from this prophecy. I felt a wave of relief and hope and such thankfulness, as if a personal prayer had been answered in a most miraculous way. I could be wrong, as I have been wrong with many other things. I never have been more grateful to President Monson and the Lord, for the reasons I believe this change may have come about. I truly feel thankful to God's goodness and watchful hand. The side benefit or dual blessing, is that we will flood the earth with more missionaries. We as mothers have got to go over the story of the faith of the stripling warriors and following the prophet as they did Helaman with exactness, so we can expect and hope for the same miracles. They were spared although they had many wounds. This is the hope I have to cling to. May the Lord bless our sons and daughters with a desire to serve him and preach the gospel to those without the blessings of the fulness of the gospel, so all may have the chance of coming unto Christ.

  2. E-

    This video is spot on in its evaluation of our foreign policy and the petrol dollar! I discovered this as I was prayerfully studying the pros and cons of going to war with Iran and Ron Paul's "scary" foreign policy earlier in February this year. It was actually a debate where something Ron Paul said about foreign policy that bothered me enough that I had to check into it. That is just my nature, it doesn't matter what kind of history it is...I just have to keep studying it until I understand. So I came to the same conclusions that the producer of this video did....but I feel he is dead wrong in his last two assessments of how we should act. I agree with his first assessment, we should help make people aware. His last two conclusions are only going to make the problem worse....

    The secret abominations are too entrenched in our country's government and world governments for civil disobedience. (See Mormon chapter 8). It will only escalate the situation faster. God has a plan. He clearly tells us not to take up arms in Mormon 7:4 unless commanded by him to do least for us as a collective people, meaning those who are the house of Israel or who are adopted into it. The best thing we can do now, is share the gospel and prepare physically and spiritually. God has a plan that is greater than the plan of the secret combinations. We must have faith in that plan and repent and share the gospel with that same energy that we would have used to civilly disobey and revolt.

    We just need to repent, seek the spirit, share the gospel...prepare physically and spiritually, try to vote in good leaders at all levels of government, especially locally.

    Thanks for sharing the video. The info. is correct; the last two conclusions are misguided in my opinion. When you have the scriptures and the Spirit, you can get a glimse of how the Lord may save those that will have Him to be their Lord.
    Although the intent of the producer of this video may be good, civil disobedience and revolution at the wrong place and time will only lead to the controlling powers having more power and ability to control and subvert their power. We have got to trust the Lord, his prophets, and seek for the Spirit in all we do. His plan is superior to Satan's. We just have to trust in it.


    1. No, I would never take up arms in that sense against my own country unless all other means were clearly exhausted or unless there were a direct threat to my family or my freedoms that have not already been lost in the pot of "frog soup". I do advocate the first two levels of things, though. People saying and doing nothing for too long with the naive expectation that all will be well has gotten us in the mess we are in with runaway spending and unaccountable leaders.

  3. The time for saying and doing was after we were warned by President Benson and J Reubon Clark, etc. We as a people and nation made our choices; we are still making them.

    If President Monson's message is different than President Benson's there is a very good reason why. It was made very clear to me at our last stake conference, which was a regional broadcast for the states of Montana, Colorado, and Wyoming, from what I understood.

    Those that don't think our leaders are aware of our aweful situation, as it states in the BoM, really underestimate the knowledge and power of those who lead and guide our church. Now, I realize that some put leaders on a pedestal, but as I have tried to become closer to my Savior, my love and trust in prophets and apostles has grown by leaps and bounds and this has not been self-manufactured. For someone who has struggled with trusting the motives of men, I am amazed at how much the Spirit showed me what these inspired men do know about the current affairs of our country and world. Just because we know things, doesn't mean the Spirit always gives us the liberty of sharing everything we know. Same with our prophets and apostles and for example general YM or YW leaders. We pray for our leaders as we strive to get closer to our Savior. Our goal is to come unto Christ, but as we do we are taught spiritual things. I was taught we can trust President Monson and the other 15 apostles.

    We can make people aware, but I will take into account being "wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove."

    I am not sure where civil disobedience fits in at this time among the secret combinations. We can discuss it in person when you get here. I suggest we read Mormon chapters 7 and 8 separately and then together before we have this discussion.


  4. You nailed it! I switched over to the Libertarian party a few years ago and boy does it feel good!

    1. So did my wife and daughter. My daughter first, then my wife. We were all a little too asleep to make some basic connections..... Sad it was my then 16yo daughter that had to shake us awake.... and start asking a couple of questions.

  5. The prediction was from the mouth of Joseph Smith. Don't take it out of context though read the previous paragraph also and try to figure what that means.
