Sunday, September 16, 2012


I work out of a factory that will spend 200 billion cranking out up to 500 tankers that will be used for "re-fueling".  I have always called bull-puckey on this since any teenager could probably tell you that we would never need to use that many tankers - almost regardless of how large a war we were trying to prosecute.

Why the lies and cover-up??  I have never wanted to chime in on this until now.  I call pure BS on this.

I despise people that lie - especially when I pay their salaries.  And almost regardless of the reasons why.

Here is the first irrefutable proof that backs this up:

Here is another you-tube that backs the spraying theory up.  This gal knocks it out of the ball park:

The question might be why - one must always have a motive for spending billions on something over a 20 year plan.  If the powers that be can induce climate variations and wild phenomenon, people will buy the global climate changing agenda and will allow the One World government to tax and control people based on carbon credits.  The global warming agenda and lies began to be dispersed around the same time the spraying programs started back in 1989/1990 - the same time the Soviet Union "collapsed".  I think President Benson was spot on back in the 1960's.  They were hatching these plans back then after power was consolidated back in the 1960's.

Folks, we are screwed - and the only solution will be a very real and physical saving from a Messiah.  It will get far more intense here shortly.

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