Friday, September 14, 2012


After we officially reject God and His most important crowning ordinance of  the sealing of man and wife for time and all eternity, things begin to feel very ripe to me.  I tell you, I am seeing too many things align here including our recent harvest problems which may correspond to the Dream Mine scenario by Bishop Koyle, the international rioting and hatred for our country.  Race riots over Trayvon Martin - and Obama hasn't even lost the election yet!  Instability in Chicago - not even counting the black on white killings which the MSM has been stuffing to keep a lid on things.

I think I naturally get apocalyptic around this time of year because I put stock in alot of what I have read.  Reading this quote from Sols Guardisto vision of the Alberta Temple, I can't help but wonder that we are not "in it"....:

I saw the international world war automatically break down, and national revolutions occur in every country and complete the work of chaos and desolation. I saw geological disturbances occur, which helped in this work as if it were intended to do so. I saw the Cardston Temple preserved from all this geological upheaval. I saw the international boundary line disappear as these two governments broke up and dissolved into chaos. I saw race rioting upon this American continent on a vast scale.

I saw hunger and starvation in this world granary of the American continent sweep off vast numbers of the conflicting elements. I saw disease produced by hunger, strife, and chaos complete the end of this present order or epoch…"

Mrs. Guardisto goes on to describe the preparations allegedly made by the future Church leaders to endure catastrophic conditions in the world.

"I saw Cardston and the surrounding foothills, especially West and North, for miles being prepared for a refuge for your people, quietly but quickly.

I saw artesian wells bored and other wells dug all over that territory, so that when the open waters were polluted and poisoned, the people of the Church and their cattle would be provided for. I saw the fuel resources of the district developed in many places, and vast piles of coal and timbers stored for future use and building.

I saw the elders, still under divine guidance, counseling and encouraging the planting of every available acre of soil in this district, so that large supplies could be near the refuge. I saw the Church property under cultivation of an intensified character, not for sale or profit, but for the use of the people. I saw the inspired officers giving instructions as to what would be the best crops to plant and cultivate, not for profit but for use in storage at the time of chaos. I saw the territory carefully surveyed and mapped out for the camping of a great body of people of the Church. I saw provisions also made for a big influx of people who at present do not belong to the Church, but who will gather in their tribulation. I saw inspiration given the elders whereby the quality, quantity, and kind of things to be stored were judged, which might not be attainable in this territory during the time of chaos.."

And then this quote from a vision that Roger K. Young had while on his mission that the Spirit has confirmed with me.  It detailed people fleeing something very destructive in the SoCal area.  There are alot of good Saints down there that I served among while waiting for my visa to go to Brazil:

 As a young missionary in Chile in 1973, after a night of being able to preach the gospel to a large group of potential investigators, I was recording in my journal the details of that wonderful opportunity. As I was feeling the strong spirit that had been present and was still present as I was writing, all of a sudden the veil grew thin and among other things I saw long streams of people in the desert, some in vehicles, but many walking with mostly what they could carry in their arms. I saw that the area they were coming to was just South and West of St. George, Utah. I watched as a city of tents near St. George began to be quickly established in peace and tranquility. I puzzled over this in my mind wondering what was going on. I was given to understand that they were primarily fleeing from the Los Angeles area and were called to come there by the Church leaders. I was given to understand several things concerning the event, including that they were invited to leave just prior to something very bad which was about to happen, suddenly and in the near future to that area. I also understood that most members of the Church did not heed the invitation to come and would perish because of what was coming. All of this and other details I dutifully recorded in my journal.

For many years afterward, every once in a while I puzzled over what I had seen and recorded, but for the most part it lay forgotten while the matters of life occupied my time. A few years ago, while I was beginning to give firesides and lectures concerning the events of the last days, a number of people began sharing with me their own personal dreams and visions. After a while I started hearing a few of the people describe in their visions & dreams almost exactly the same things that I had seen in my brief vision. I then began to research more into the Saints fleeing at a moment’s notice to remote places of refuge where they usually lived in temporary tent encampments for a period of time. Some of the questions I was primarily asking were; Are there many historical examples of this type of event that might shed light on this possibly happening in the last days? Are there any prophecies or statements possibly describing this type of event? This short book is a brief review of the historical and scriptural traditional research concerning this type of event.

As I researched I came to understand that there actually was a historical pattern of righteousness, prosperity, division, apostasy and then the fleeing of a righteous few to remote places of refuge. I also found that instead of this happening occasionally, this had actually happened in every single instance of the establishment of a righteous society throughout the history of the world. Sometimes this cycle was delayed or interrupted by a....

Last of all, I have heard rumor mill stuff that the Bretheren expect a large influx into the Church.  I see the West Coast disaster scenarios as the means of that happening when refugees are in a humbled and ready condition to learn.

What say you?  I would love to have your commentary on dreams and warnings, etc.  I am but one person.  The more that people add to the body of work - the better.


  1. You sometimes mention locations that will be safe, whether temp or long term when the time comes. I would like a post highlighting some citys and areas of gathering.

  2. Though I personally haven't had any dreams or visions, I know people who have, and I have read enough that were independently told me, yet which correspond perfectly with each other, that I know they must have been inspired. Yes, things are heating up, and yes, those who listen and obey will be called out and live together in peace and relative safety, though I think they will still have a rough time surviving, at least they'll have each other and what they experience will be nothing compared to those who are "out there".
    To the previous commenter, I'm not so sure that PLACES will be safe, so much as where the righteous live together, and the Priesthood is used as it ought to be, those people will be safe. I don't know that anyone can say "This location" or "that location" until the call comes to gather there.

  3. Little Brown, me too. I have to rely on others' experiences in many areas. I will post my thoughts on gathering places soon.
