Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Due to several lurkers on the blog (that I have been "reverse stalking" using Google Analytics, etc) I feel are looking for pertinent information, I am going to modify my content slightly and focus on what needs to be done to prepare.  If indeed this is the famine I have been expectedly waiting for, based on John Koyle and many other predictions I subscribe to, then there is little time to prepare physically in order to breeze thru what is coming.  If you have been financially secure in the past, those things will shortly end and your sense of security will shift from the dollar and our financial constructs and will then consist of how well you have listened to (and the followed) counsel of modern Prophets and the Spirit on preparedness.

My focus from this point forward will be continuing with the usual random off-the-wall topic but also adding topics related to survival when there is nothing to be had.  I will go against my impulses of previous years and describe what I have done and what will be important to have prepared for.  I have completely reserved that information as a form of protection to my family.  At this point, that is less important than shepherding people along so that they can thrive. 

If I am right - and you trust me and are feeling concerned about what you and your family are going to do in the face of coming problems, your first move is to become capital rich (that means sell all the garbage that you feel you can do without).  If that means a 30 foot power boat that you use once or twice a year, that would be a good start.  If you must - rent one for those two weekends and pocket the remainder of the cash for something that will really make sense.  If its a Lexus ES300 that is the exact same thing as a Toyota Camry - but with a few more bells and whistles, get rid of the payment and pay cash for an equally reliable Camry.  Reduce, simplify, and make your life streamlined.  It will have to be for what is coming.  Now - what I mean by that is that you get rid of the clutter in your life that adds meaningless parasitic drag.  I have twice the "junk" laying around that I had two years ago, but its going to be all very useful junk.  Every piece, I have prayed over and thought over until I have all the necessary things.  My wife I think sees the method to my madness when we need to get something done on the farm, and the very thing that we needed was sitting under her nose the entire time - bought years ago on a whim, even before the farm existed in our reality, and stored up.

So, to recap this monologue, become cash-rich regardless of your circumstances.  You may feel very poor right now if you are doing all you have been commanded to do - but your eyes will be opened and you will have knowledge given to you.  The next step is just to watch and see what I have done and quickly ponder it and see if that is what you will need.  I have embedded much of the info in this blog already based on day to day living (such as my recent post on cracked corn and the drought).  Also, I have a purpose-built sister blog called "survivin in the wood" which has been a feeble attempt to accomplish this - but I have devoted little attention to it.

If you have questions, or want me to focus on farming, gardening, or some other pertinent topic, just let me know and I oblige.


  1. Hey Eric (Iraq),

    Great Idea. Would you mind if I ask you to review or post your thoughts on two important issues?

    Since growing gardens during water restriction periods and maintaining proper nutrition during famine are such big issues, I will start with these two concerns to get your personal insight.

    First, there has been a lot of enthusiasm here in Utah over a video called "back to Eden" (by another church) that discusses an old method of efficiently maintaining the soil for gardening purposes. In the video, the protagonist suggests using 4-6 inches of wood mulch on top to keep the soil moist and nutritious (especially during drought conditions) and then also originally using 2-4 inches of compost as mixed with the soil. Finally, the soil is never tilled but aged manure is sprinkled on the top of the mulch periodically to add nutrition to soil. The video can be watched online for free at http://backtoedenfilm.com/. Please review and let me know what you think. The protagonist suggest that little water is required when sufficient wood mulch covers the garden (plus other benefits are also realized).

    Second, there is a lot of concern over having proper nutrition in one's diet if exclusively surviving off of LDS dry pack food storage (winter wheat, white rice, rolled oats, etc.) Some suggest storing vitamins to consume on a daily basis. However, others I know have suggested sprouting the wheat, which requires that the wheat not have been nitrogen packed in the number 10 cans. These individuals mix a little diatomaceous earth (aka D.E. or Perma Guard) in with their wheat to keep the weevils out rather than nitrogen packing their number 10 cans. Do you think that sprouted wheat or other grains will add enough nutrition to one's diet in order to overcome issues related to living exclusively off of food storage?

    Just some thoughts for the basic LDS prepper!


    1. Dimiwill,

      Oh boy - don't get me started on this topic. Although I have more time now that I have been tossed of LDSFF for a week... LOL I have hours of info that I could blather on about. I have been a proponent of the Eden garden (see my post at the beginning of this year) and am in the middle of that very experiment on our MT farm - with astounding results. That man lives about 20 miles from where I am typing (as the crow flies - closer than than Tal by 50 miles....lol) and I am hoping to make it over to see him before the end of the harvest. He lives as I have always envied - all he needs is the BOM and wallah! I am going to lay out my experiences thus far - and when I say "my experiences", I am talking about my family. We have set up an array of things that will help us make it through the years of little. At some point, it will have to be abandoned and we will end up in Southern Alberta joining the Saints there for physical safety - all under the net of consecration. Those in Utah, who remain, will have their own set of parameters to live by/under. But these things will get us thru the worst of what is coming in the short term. I have so much information that has been gleaned just from the people I am around in MT, it is astounding. I mine people for what they have to offer - and the MT group is so fantastic - so many stories of preparation and guidance that are identical to mine. People are being directed in eye-popping ways. It would take a solid month just to type it out.

      I will do what I can on this blog and leave Tal alone for awhile.... I just had to push as many buttons as I could until he squealed or revealed himself.... :)
