There have been alot of disturbing reports in the news lately that touch on cannibalism. The first one that seared my mind many years ago was Jeffrey Dahmer who kidnapped little kids (boys), violated them (he was a homosexual - and that little detail is never pointed out in the media), and then he would kill them and then have a meal of various body parts. Yep, pretty shocking, disgusting stuff.
The latest headline grabbing act of cannibalism is pretty much a carbon copy of Dahmer's despicable acts. So what is the driver behind this kind of stuff. Oh, the stupid liberals will call for gun control, then discover that a knife was used, then attempt to put a ban on the Chicago Cutlery.... Absolutely ridiculous stuff. All the while the liberals are calling for adopting homosexual indoctrination in our schools, sex education touting "if it feels good, then do it", responsible drinking and drug use, etc. Things they WILL have to answer for. And I will be there - maybe not on the jury - but on the sidelines of the trial ensuring my witness is added to the narrative of how they have taken God's greatest work (this nation of freedom and justice) and made it into a hellish sea of destruction.
The conservative in me rejects any such ridiculous and devilish notions. There have always been "gateway" sins that initiate a person on the path to debauchery. This progression is not always followed to the letter, nor does it always end in unholy BBQ, but the ending is the same with the person bound in the everlasting chains of hell and under the power of the adversary and his minions. Here we go with what these downward spiraling steps are:
- Word of Wisdom issues - drinking, ever hardening drugs that dull a person's senses
- Pornography and awareness of sexuality outside of a healthy context (distorting the sacred union of man/woman)
- Mild Law of Chastity issues - french kissing, petting, everything but sex before marriage
- Egregious Law of Chastity issues - Sex before marriage or outside of marriage with opposite sex
- Homosexual relationships
- Murder
- Cannibalism
I am not sure a human being can sink lower than this last one, other than denying the Holy Ghost - and I think that denying the Holy Ghost is somewhere in the middle of those, depending on a person's light and knowledge. All of these things lead to a next more serious sin until an individual feels trapped and unredeemable - where hope of the atoning blood of Christ appears to be out of reach.
So next time you meet someone who has pulled out of a spiritual nose-dive and get to talk to them about their journey into the abyss, see if it does not follow a similar pattern. I think you will be surprised that this pattern is followed pretty closely. Next time someone points out their belief that there is no harm in homosexuality - that its just a preference, point out that its possible that its just a mere two steps away from twisted barbeque..... and that it is one of the d'evils steps on the 12 step program to total personal, soul wrenching destruction and should be avoided like the plague. It would be good to note here that most pre-modern cultures that have ended in the dust heap seem to have the tell-tale cannibalism as one of their last phases before self-annihilation. The archeaologists always seem to find the tell-tale signs of bones cut with knives and other man-made objects and surmise that it was just part of their culture as a whole - and that it was a long-standing practice. The Aztecs are one example where right before their end body parts ended up on the menu, natives of Easter Island yet another. Yet, these same peoples made amazing advances in architecture, science, medicine, etc. - and the two (cannibalism and cultural advancement) are mutually exclusive. Cannibals do not make good scientists (at least in biology and medicine), as they always end up eating their experiments. In modern science, the closest group that made it to the heights of learning while simultaneously plunging to the depraved depths of debauchery, were the Germans under Hitler's regime. So these archeaologists are making their suppositions based on a false line of thinking when they find the scored bones directly under the ash layer that showed the end of the depraved civilization. The cannibalism was the last step of depravity before God allowed that group to be destroyed - or to destroy themselves so that another generation of innocent ones would not have to be exposed to the gross sin and base animalistic existence their fathers/mothers would bring them up in. I have not read any ancient records to back this up (other than what some of the modern explorers have said about some of the modern peoples of Papua New Guinea who have been known to have their rival tribes over for dinner...), but I would suspect that homosexuality became rampant in those cultures just before the wanton murder and cannibalism set in. No doubt, by inference, the people in Noah's day (whose culture was "filled with violence" and state-sanctioned gay marriage [CLICK to see my previous post on this topic] and late-term abortion; also experienced their share of cannibalism as people continued the depravity cycle to the bottom. Of course, the result was total and complete annihilation by God for their actions. We, of course, can expect nothing less for our collective crimes. There, however, will be a few more than 8 saved this time around - probably more like 8%, or a little more by my worst-case guestimate and the destruction will come by the proscribed fire and not the former watery deep. When it comes - if I happen to be a casualty of it, I will be cheering it on until I am no longer. I am sick of the absolute garbage I see going on around me - so bring it on, so that the surviving generation can make a clean start. As my BAC friend says - Come Quickly Jesus!!
Back on topic: The d'evil will never know joy, sacred union of man and woman, the thrill of child birth, the perfect coupling of two loving people; and man and woman with their unique affirming and strengthening differences, he will never know the pain and ecstasy of life, never kneel across the altar and experience the long-term commitment of God's most sacred of ordinances that exalts and helps two people go the distance through the eternities. He will never know the sensation of giving life or even the sweet kiss of death that comes to the righteous. It is for this reason that he puts all the stuff on that list in the fore-front of our fallen society and his end-goal is to destroy family, life and eternal union. The end-game of this whole exercise and homosexual agenda is to destroy our attempts to, without any interference, marry for time and all eternity in the House of the Lord. If you lend even a small measure of support to that agenda - YOU ARE DOING THE DEVIL'S BIDDING - are my personal enemy (and more importantly, God's!) and need to repent speedily for your destruction will surely come. I promise you that.
Do people struggle with same sex attraction? Sure they do! There are minions born with both pieces - and sometimes the doctors make an educated guess at birth on which way they should go in gender assignment. They may struggle with same sex attraction as much as I struggle with opposite sex attraction (after marriage), but that does not give me or anyone else license to act on it. For those individuals who suffer, it may be that they bear that cross their entire lives - and I believe they will be handsomely rewarded for having valiantly struggled.
Folks, we are at a cross roads. We are in an election year where we get to make a choice - and we have one clear bad choice when it comes to God's definition of marriage - and a few alternatives. I pray we all choose wisely, for I know that there will be destruction and hellish consequences awaiting us if we do not make the right choice. God allowed the Noahidic peoples to be destroyed based on the exact issues we are facing today of abortion, destruction of the family and marriage through the homosexual agenda and violence. LET US CHOOSE WISELY!
I liked that you turned your music off on your website! Even though, I loved your music choices, it got annoying when it started over every time you clicked on a new link or tab.
ReplyDeleteExactly - me too. Once I clicked on the wrong button and hit the save button, I could never change it back to play the entire stream without re-setting. I tried for a few hours to rectify it; absolute fail.... So it worked out for the best.
DeleteInteresting article, but I think you skipped too quickly over the first item. Powerful substances deaden the spirit and open the door to just about anything someone probably wouldn't do under normal circumstances. There's a reason drugs are used as part of mind control. And I'm not just talking about hallucinogenics and narcotics. Pain killers and anti-depressants (SSRIs) are extremely dangerous and spirit destroying. The widespread use of anti-depressants in the church (Utah in particular) is deeply concerning, yet little is said about it because the pusher is a man in a white lab coat.