This is a little more in line with the content from my other blog - Survivin in the Wood - but I was so excited and impressed with this little pump that I had to share.
We know that one of the most important things that will be required after we pass thru the difficulties that are coming, will be getting clean, uncontaminated water for drinking. There will be some sort of red dust put out by the meteorites or coming off of Elenin that will coat the earth. It will contain toxic material making the only water that is drinkable is that which has been naturally filtered through the strata coming out of the ground. So, we have to be able to get water out of deep wells that do not have the possibility of picking up this deadly surface contamination. The wells have to survive the massive earthquake without breaking or collapsing of the casing or the underground aquifer being compromised and re-routed. There will be no power left to get water out using conventional electric pumps. Surface water may not be able to even be filtered even with 1 micron gravity pass-thru filters (even though I own a few...). Also, there will be massive drought throughout parts of the land and even if you have passed through all the previous tests, you may thirst to death anyway. So, you have to have a good, secure, deep well and be able to get water out of it. Most electronics may not survive solar flares/EMP and nothing will work..... Soooooo, what is to be done? I have wracked my brain over and over trying to work the scenarios in my mind - none of which had a bullet-proof solution until now:
I present the solution to all the above problems:
This thing even has a basic 12V electric option that you can run off your car battery. Absolutely sweet! As an engineer, I don't get too excited about too much when it comes to gadgets precisely because everything has drawbacks and tradeoffs. There is little lacking in this little baby.
Clean water - Try building a "Slow Sand" or "Bio Filter". I think that would work.