Saturday, June 11, 2011


Well, the timing of this article (click link) on brown dwarf wanderers is impeccable.

We may have just found ours - dear Elenin who must be a terrestrial body. You will have to dig deep (and I don't have the time to because I am busy getting ready for this thing), but you will find articles on this blog that talk about how virtually every other solar system out there is a binary star system - and ours in an exception. Many failed suns exist - and they show up in the form of brown dwarfs, etc. Many have thought that Jupiter was our second failed buddy who didn't quite have enough energy to light off. Most of these systems however have two burning suns with a largish planet trapped in the gravitational well in between them (Refer to Facsimile 2, on the center panel with number 1 and numbers 22 and 23 for a visual). There is no night in that place - always bathed in light and who have beings who are purified to the point that they can dwell in everlasting burnings as beings of brilliant light (quoting Joseph from TOTPJS) - possibly brighter than the noon day sun. This orb will find its way back to that kind of a home as we are pulled out of our telestial home and taken on a journey (as we experience a change in our heavens and in our earth) that will place us comfortably there in God's presence and finally celestialized as this orb is burned in like manner and purified, every whit. Mother earth will finally receive her glory and all who dwell on her will be able to see things of a past nature by looking into her glassy surface (click link) and all things of a future nature will be given to them by way of their personal urim and thummim (see Revelations). Those who cannot endure/abide the day of that purification process will, due to lack of observing the basics (such as tithing, etc), be swept off. Remember folks, tithing is a lower law - one of a telestial world which prepares us for a terrestrial law. Consecration is the law du jour - the one that brings us (in a terrestrial state) to a celestial state of thinking and being.

And I get to teach the lesson on tithing tomorrow - and how do I water this stuff down to the point that I have to, to have it sink in for the average person that just cares what the score on Sunday football or baseball is??

So it goes - we have a glorious future for those who have the Spirit as their guide.

How is your food storage? How is your comprehension of the First Vision and of the Endowment ceremony after this read? It is line upon line and precept upon precept until we arrive at a perfect knowledge. Can you see yourself there? Or do you think to cry out, "Lord, help thou my unbelief!"? If so, time is short and alot more crying of one sort or another will be the order of the day.

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