Friday, June 17, 2011



Celestial worlds(Elenin) of Heavenly Father, and indeed the total kingdom, are in the glorious hub, or central region of the Milky Way Galaxy. The radiations of God's light, which proceed forth from His presence to fill the immensity of space are filtered through veils of interstellar dust, which block our mortal view of the celestial kingdom. whenever you penetrate this veil, you are within the fiery environment of the celestial kingdom.

While the number of God's creations is beyond the ability of man to count, each one is know unto God. These creations are of finite number at any instant in time and consist of about 150 billion starts, plus their associated plants as presently exist in the MWG.

The terrestrail and telestial kingdoms are located in successive concentric, doughnut-shaped rings, round about the celestial kingdom or central hub of the galaxy, that our sun and earth are now located in the outer or telestial ring of the MWG.

Outer Darkness, the place of Stan's final banishment with the sons of perdition, is beyond the reaches of the MWG, where there is no light or heat, no sun or stars.

Our planet earth was first formed in obit of Kolob in the celestial core of the galaxy.. It migrated out through the terrestrial ring (the Garden of Eden period), and took up its present position, in an orbit of the sun, for its mortal, telestial probation. The earth will return by being pulled away from the sun, passing again through the trresteial ring ( the millennial period), and finally regaining its original orbit about Kolob in the celestial kingdom.

Heavenly Father has many other worlds which follow the same pattern as earth and now exist in one of several stages of this progression, that many are now in their mortal period and are peopled with beings who look, act, and associate together as we do, for they also, as we, are children of God.

There must exist a speed of transportation of heavenly beings. faster than the speed of light, a speed such as the speed of thought.

God has a system of time---a clock, shall we say, similar to ours but ticking more slowly, in ratio as one is to 365,000. Earth time is experienced only during the telestial probation of the earth. In addition, a terrestral Clock must exist to measure the Garden of Eden and the Millennium Periods.

Things on earth are patterned after, or even descended from, heavenly originals, and we can understand heaven in part by studying this earth. God himself lives in a real place composed of actual materials on a crystal sphere---a great Urim and Thummim.

Faithful children of God who follow His celestial laws will have the opportunity, after their resurrection and exaltation in the celestial kingdom, to form new galaxies and Kolobs--each with a new hub with suns and worlds as places of residence for their own countless spirit offsprings giving rise to new generation of gods.

The unnumbered billions of external galaxies beyond our MW are not the creations of God, but each has its own deity, its own celestial kingdom in its fiery core, with terrestrial and telestial kingdoms round about. Perhaps galaxies, in turn, cluster and revolve about ever higher centers

1 comment:

  1. Do you have a source for this thought about galaxies and God?
