Friday, April 22, 2011


Alot of people wonder how you go about developing a testimony of the truth. I have a favorite scripture that I quoted liberally while a missionary and trying to get people to catch the vision of God's work and the need to keep the commandments; "If any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine; whether it be of God or whether I speak of myself." So in order to obtain the knowledge of the truth of a doctrine (a testimony), you simply have to start by keeping the commandments - and then see what buds over time. But it takes prolonged diligence.....

I have my story and here it is - and it follows some very basic principles:

I have always had a simple faith. I have always just had a resonation within me when something was right. It felt comfortable - error and bad principle grates me which is why I will often blow some steam by way of my writings. There is MUCH error and bad principle out there.

That simple faith led to a belief when I read the works of our Savior and the greats like Moses and Joseph Smith. I just knew they were true and that these were good, just and holy men. I also came to the realization that the things they did (their works and miracles) were not out of reach of the average man/woman - otherwise, why publish them? It would be torturous - not much unlike sharing intimate details of married life to someone who is single - it would only do harm for them to know of that which they could not enjoy or achieve. The experiences were recorded because we could achieve them!! We do not have the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon and it is held back until after the purge as there NO WAY we could achieve those great principles of harmonious and Zion living in this telestial world. Not without the people conceiving of living like that - and then doing all in their power to bring it about.

So, as I examined myself, I knew that I could do the same things, so long as I maintained a humble attitude and as long as I would repent of my shortcomings - which are legion - and began to have the desire to exercise my priesthood in righteousness (women - this is your heritage, as well; I have stories from my mission). At one point around the age of twelve after listening to Conference and a talk by Neal A. Maxwell, I was wrought upon by the Holy Ghost to the point that I had no strength in my frame - just as Lehi did which propelled me further along this path. So the belief in Priesthood power was bolstered by some statements in my Patriarchal Blessing that I would be given opportunities to grow with experiences in the Priesthood - so I moved from a faith, to an assurance, to a burning desire to have the same assurances that all the greats had. This led to an attitude in a state of humility (God owes me nothing) that I could request and then expect miracles and blessings in my life. I could "argue the case" so to speak - and God would have to grant my desires in righteousness - much as the Brother of Jared was given them as his faith increased beyond a certain threshold. I began to have those experiences, line upon line, here a little, there a little until I would arrive at a fullness - or a sure knowledge of all things. This is how you obtain the great gift of the Second Comforter. I am not there yet - but I do desire that sweet communion - and I know I am far off from that pinnacle from what I understand of others' experiences.

Backing up a step, though - and to the point of this piece. I have not read a piece of scripture and said to myself "This could never happen to me.", except for one thing; which is commanding a mountain to "Be thou moved" - and having it done. Maybe that is a function of not seeing a need for it. I can conceive of everything else including having the power of resurrection - which all righteous Patriarchs from their respective lines on down from Adam will exercise on the Morning of the First Resurrection. I can conceive of (me doing it at some point in the future in a terrestrial state) moving from place to place at the speed of thought. I can conceive of raising a loved one from the dead (such as Lazarus was) and if you read a previous blog entry will know why that was a difficult reality for me. I can and have been an instrument in the Lord's hand to command a friend of mine through the instrumentality and power of the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood to be made whole and free from cancer as the Spirit dictated. I have prophesied in the name of Jesus Christ. I can and have cast out devils in the name of Jesus Christ - which brings me to my point on the principle of a testimony. After a while, the reality of what is read about in scripture begins to become a reality in the life of those who have exercised faith from point to point until they begin to do the works that Jesus did. It then moves from faith to a working knowledge - and now my story which started this whole topic and ties it all together.

I was reading earlier tonight how Martin Harris could not witness the plates until he had repented of something that the Lord was not pleased with. After having secured forgiveness, he was able to then move forward with his righteous desire.

How do I know that is a true experience - and why do I ferociously rebuff my colleagues who attempt to paint that kind of stuff as the vain imaginations of a deluded mind? Because I have experienced it - or an identical experience that drove the exact principle home - which causes that experience by Martin Harris to resonate with me. I have never (to my knowledge) seen an angel - yet I know that Martin Harris did - because I experienced the same principle/event in my own life. I have the same kind of assurance that Martin Harris did as I do that the sun exists as I walk down the sidewalk on a glorious spring day and feel the sun radiating on my face and know its there.

While on my mission, I had the privilege of casting an evil spirit out of a woman of about 30 years of age. While engaged in that endeavor (there were six Elders there who each were given a shot at doing it as we could not clear the house of the influence due to pornography, alcohol and some other stuff). One Elder (a "Utah Mormon" who the previous week had confessed to me had binged alcohol and who knows what else at a party before embarking to Brazil in an unrepentant state), could not cast the evil spirit out of the woman due to that hanging over him. I had the privilege of commanding that evil entity to depart a second time. And it responded to the righteous and authorized command just as a car lurches forward as you press the accelerator. Simple faith - simple cause and effect. Moving from desire and hope to belief to plain and simple action then to sure knowledge.
The point being, you begin to have these experiences and you then read scripture or other non-canonical stories and begin to realize that your life begins to imitate art so to speak. Your life begins to become what you are reading. That is when you can begin to do great things and the Lord can no longer hold back the veil. This is not said in boasting - this is said pragmatically and factually and it follows a distinct pattern set forth in scripture.

So that is my testimony. Live your life with the desire to have those experiences and do not give ear to the faithless (in and out of the Church) who pervade your existence who say that those things were from a different time and for a different people, or who say, "it is different now". Those are the lies of the adversary who hates all that is good and right and virtuous.

Press forward until you have a sure knowledge from whatever point it is that you reside at right now and you will have fantastic experiences. One day you will meet your Savior - possibly while in the flesh if you live for it. I promise you that in the holy name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

1 comment:

  1. This subject is basically my reality. Oh and by the way, my MIL makes Everybody loves Raymond's MIL look like Mother Teresa. Total Gladys Cravitz on steroids.

    Anyway, I've seen the countenances of people I know and strangers change in an instant. Even their voices change and I have to remain calm and realize "what" is speaking to me. It's spiritual warfare. And yes, there are evil and unclean spirits who constantly try to attack. Keep your light and faith strong.

    I would be a gonner if I didn't have complete faith in the power of the name of Jesus Christ. Some are VERY HIGH level that are sent to attack us. Once rebuked they have the power to turn around and come back again. These are truly demons from the pitches of Hell. DO NOT underestimate the power of STANDING YOUR GROUND AND CALLING UPON FATHER IN HEAVEN OUT LOUD telling Him exactly what's happening and then requesting help. I feel quite comfortable asking Him to intervene personally, or to send the "Special Forces" to do battle for me, closing my prayer in faith in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ.

    No sooner after I've done what I can and have to fight some more through, "tattle taling" for lack of better terms, do the hosts of Heaven arrive in a split second and the peace that fills the room is unspeakable. The dispatched demon is gone and hasn't returned since. I have total faith in my Father and the Hosts of Heaven to be victorious EVERY TIME. It's just a given. This kind of faith really ticks off the hosts of hell. They don't want you to understand the power you have in righteous living and faith in the name of Jesus Christ to send them away.

    ALWAYS pray before you go to sleep for a shield of light to be placed over you to protect you during the night.

    I live everyday with this because I can sense the seen in mortals and the unseen readily. The battle is real. Stay CLEAN! Don't give them an opportunity to enter your body!
