Thursday, March 24, 2011


So reading the following post gave rise to memories of what happened before Sept 11 at the WTC. Most people would be hard-pressed to remember that someone tried to bring the towers down using a land-based wheel design. Obviously they weren't good civil engineers - thus the dearly departed Mohammed Atta being one.....

So we have some people in Gaza that dearly hate the presence of Jews in them middle east and they are ranging their rockets for a shot at the financial center, Tel Aviv. They are getting ready to do a 9/11 style thing to the financial heart and symbol of power in Israel.

According to my previous post, a Hamas (Iran)-backed nuclear tipped missile will be fired on Israel (from a cornered or future radicalized Libyan gov't) which will ignite bad juju around the world (feel free to read up on it). The hyenas are circling their prey and they will try and make good on their previous threats. George Soros (who has backed our current president from the beginning) was involved in the fall of Egypt (Israel's only real middle east ally) and will be involved in the further destabilization of the middle east so that they will (as radicalized nations) march against his own people, the Israeli's. What a sick sack! If he had a heart attack tomorrow, I for one would be in a state of euphoria..... but then, this is not a political blog and I do love all my fellow man (some just slightly less than others) - so just ignore the above statements.

Here is the article that got me spun up. We are entering an unimaginably dangerous chapter in human history. Heaven help us all:

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