If you have read the Iohanni Wolfgramm family history (previous blog topic) and liked what you read, there is possibly more - a second edition - to come from Iohani's daughter, Tisina. Tisina was the one who was run over during WWII and who was brought back through faith and Priesthood power.
If you liked the first book, the next one should be excellent, as well. You can help by pre-ordering a copy so that Tisina knows how much support there is out there. We sent our check to her and added $10 extra for the privilege of reading the online version. Tisina was surprised to learn that there was an online version and called for more information on that.
I will add her address here so anyone else can order the book:
I thought my letter might be of interest and decided to post it. We have a long history in our family of interacting with the children of Manasseh as they blossom and assume their role of greatness in the House of Israel.
Inbox X
Wood, Eric
to tisinagerber, shawnasuemagoo, me, sjpinson
show details Nov 21 (9 days ago)
I just got the news from my wife Shawna who said that you had called.
That is very exciting for us. You have a kind of celebrity status in our family because you went to the other side and came back and then used your talents to provide such a great book showing the true faith that your father (and mother) had in this life. As we struggle through our lives, sometimes it is just refreshing to have a great example of someone who is able to make things happen in spite of all the earthly problems we are subject to.
I wanted to share some of the things that came from my blog about your family and your father:
Please read all three posts on the blog - I hope I have been accurate. Also, there is a link in the middle blog entry that will take you to the BYU Archives that has the electronic copy of the first book. I hope that you are not upset that someone thought enough of that work to post that work at BYU. I know that the book is a sacred FAMILY treasure - but I highly doubt that people looking specifically for it will not trample it under their feet as pearls cast before swine. The hard copy of the book, if you can find it, is scarce and expensive (up to $250 for one copy). I was very disappointed for months knowing that I would probably never get my hands on a copy of it after scouring the internet for one. When I finally found the link to the e-book, I could not put my laptop down for the 5 hours until I was finished reading it.
I have always had great faith in the power of the Priesthood and have been given the gift of healing (in my Patriarchal Blessing), but have not had any outright miraculous manifestations of that gift until recently - after reading of your father's experiences. There is enough great information in your father's words that I have been able to "figure out" how to proceed with faith in the exercising of that gift. The only thing that keeps the more full exercise of Priesthood power is the blessing donee's faith/personal righteousness and the proper implementation (words and faith) of the one acting on the Lord's behalf. One blog entry, in the link above, talks about how we lost our little 9 month old Dallin. My first impulse was to call the home teacher over to bring him back. It clearly was not the Lord's will - but that was my first call before calling 911. To know that your life is the product of righteous priesthood power (and the Lord's will) thrills me to the core. What joy your father must have had that morning when you rose with the sun as he was prompted to bless you! My wife and I know the flip side of that joy.
The other thing Shawna mentioned is your question about the Wood's from Cardston. We are not part of that family (they are the "northern Utah" Wood's) but you may have heard of my Dad - Grant Wood (Cedar City Wood family) through Polynesian reunions that he may have been involved in? He served his first mission in Hawaii in 1949. He and my mother (Woodward, from Cardston, AB) served a Church service (teaching) mission from 1958-1961 to the Maori people at the Church college next to the New Zealand temple. I am not sure if they ever spent time in Tonga on their way home from the mission with their small family. We have a strong love for our distant brothers and sisters through our common ancestor, Joseph of Egypt.
As far as the check goes, I am fine if you cash it now, or hold it for several years until the next book is completed. I am posting this correspondence in the blog along with your address so that others can forward money as they see fit to help with the cause. If you happen to need any help on the editing portion of the publishing process, I would love to provide my services if it will ease some of your burden in completing the book.
If you are interesting in setting up a blog of your own for the purposes of printing or getting news out of the book, just let me know and I would be more than happy to help in any way.
Again, it has been a pleasure to correspond with you and look forward to possibly meeting you in person.
Brother Wood.
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