Tuesday, September 17, 2024


 When we are surrounded by sin, our silence sometimes implies consent.  I had an acquaintance who used to be a best friend until I noticed a pattern of him screwing people over in business dealings.  I put him on notice that I could not continue as his friend if he did not deal justly and fairly with his fellow man.  He did not consider my counsel important.  I moved on.  I definitely would not do business with him.

Here I go:

I categorically and completely sever any ties I have with HARM in Big Pharma and refuse any kind of employment with them.  I would rather starve than be a part of that cabal.  Medical devices are a different story.

I renounce and rebuke those who are involved in part or whole with the MIC (Military Industrial Complex) and refuse to participate in any way in their activities unless that activity deals with protecting the homeland from domestic threats.  I will be no part of anything aerospace related that projects power beyond basic domestic interests.  I denounce the millions of innocent lives that have been wasted in these power grabs.  Even those who have harmed our troops abroad; they were just defending their wives and children and religion and lives, just as our Founding Fathers did as they pulled away from the oppressive invaders who approached us on lower moral ground.

I renounce the abortion culture and ask God to please rain direct and palpable consequences down on those who harm the innocent and the defenseless (including the aged).  May the death and destruction they have rained down upon the world, fall upon their heads without measure in such a manner that it is clear and breathtaking in nature and will cause those who see to declare that surely the God of Heaven is displeased and that the wrath of a Just God has come upon their heads.

I renounce and rebuke those who are the wolves amongst the sheep within the flock - who knowingly spread false doctrine and teach progressive ideas while predating amongst the flock and often badmouthing those who have chosen to take the Spirit as their guide.

I renounce and curse those who have taken up with the Gadiantons in all forms of their activities wherein they seek power, gain (money) and influence at the expense of their fellow man.  Specifically, politicians who head to Washington with little net worth yet end up millionaires in short order due to corruption and skimming.

I renounce the lies of the "media" who seek to prop up evil agendas while excluding and tearing down wholesome agendas and values.

Last of all, I renounce the perversions of the LGBT+ crowd that seeks to twist sacred things into a perverse and backward manner that seek to recruit/groom innocent children into their sick activities.  I call on God to provide additional events such as Hurricane Katrina in correlation with events where these gather - and to wipe them from the face of the earth - as in the days Noah so that the earth and it's weary inhabitants can rest from the filth and perversions.

I sever myself from all of the above and commit myself to a former covenant that I will exert all influence and power that I possess in defense of truth and right - as I had committed to during the War in Heaven.  I ask God to be merciful through the Atonement of Jesus Christ on all those who unwittingly are participating in the above activities the He will enlighten their minds and bring them to a knowledge of His Plan and Love for them.  That they might be filled with light and the vision of their former glory and decide to take up the sword once again to fight the Good Fight on the side of truth and righteousness.

I invoke a blessing on all those who uphold things that are praiseworthy (of God) and of Good Report and ask God to magnify those warriors who ceaselessly fight the good battle day in and day out.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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