Friday, August 9, 2024


 Well, here we go.  Using British tech (and likely military advisors), Ukraine has now made direct advancements into Russia from their border.  This is exactly the reason Russia wanted a series of vassal states along it's western borders....

Joseph Smith stated that when the Bear lays it's paw upon the Lion, the end (coming of Jesus Christ) is near.  I have a personal witness that Russia will attack the USA at one point in the future - but first they will do a nasty against GB.  Stuff like this will just encourage the Bear to attack:

If they push Russia to the point of desperation, it will not end well.  A cornered bear is a dangerous bear.  It is just a matter of how much patience and fore"bear"ance Putin and company exhibit.  I would be out of patience by now, if it were me.

Russia has repeatedly talked about detonating a massive bomba underwater (they have drone submarines that are basically just remote-controlled floating bombs) that would send a massive wall of water over all of England.  Folks, these are not just idle threats.  These are things that Russia has the capability to do.  England specifically is vulnerable to this due to her topography.  Even 6 ft of water sweeping over the land would be un"fathom"able...  One hundred feet?  Just crazy - nothing would be left if you remember the Japanese tsunami effects.

1 comment:

  1. I'm guessing we are very close to Russia going full throttle in war. Koyle said Russia will conquer all of Europe and most of Asia. Incredible!

    "Bishop Koyle predicted that Russia would eventually invade the United States, and the Red armies would get as far as the Missouri River--where the Yanks would stop'em cold. At the same time, he predicted that China would invade the West Coast--but they wouldn't get past the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Looking ahead, Koyle predicted a lot of civil strife in the United States -- class against class, race against race. . . And he said Russia would conquer all of Europe and most of Asia. And there would be a great world war in the Mideast over Palestine."

    It sounds like we'll turn out okay if we live in the mountains of Utah, and gather to the places of refuge when the official call goes out from the church once Joseph sets it in order:

    But this won't happen until there is at least one president of the US who gets killed, and possibly two of them:

    The part that is a bit concerning is the coming civil war. Some say that the Lord told them it will be at least 3 years long. Only time will tell.

    We all have choices to make. What will you do?
