Friday, August 16, 2024


 I can speak freely now - as I have mentioned in earlier posts.  I had to speak in code previously in order to keep peace with my wife - as my MIL would read the blog and not to learn from any interesting posts, but likely for less noble purposes.

I was stalked while alive.  At one point, I was living with the nephew of L. Tom Perry in the Seattle area.  I rented a parking spot from him and had an RV (that my co-workers jokingly called the pedo-van) to save money on rent.  Anyway, one day while I was away on my bi-weekly visit with my wife and kids, a woman matching her car and physical description showed up looking for me.  I am pretty sure she was checking up on me to see if my story was legit and that I was not shacked up with some girlfriend or something like that.  It always amazed me that she could easily drive from Portland to Seattle to do something like that - yet always claim she had a fear of city driving such that she could not visit for a baby blessing, baptism etc.  Had she garnered any salacious proof, she of all people would have been overjoyed to know that she finally had some dirt on me.  My wife actively hid information from her that could be construed negatively because she was just that kind of a karen/person.  Just nasty.  Movies make fun of the meddling MIL, but I am yet to find another example of anything close to what I have endured.  My poor other BIL has endured as much or worse - so it is just not my perception that there is a heavy dose of man-hate in her.  The crazy thing is that some of her actual sons are quite less than perfect (drugs,etc) - yet they could do no wrong in her eyes.

If we expect to gain true eternal power, the first thing we will NEVER do in this life is abuse power.  This is the very reason that Satan himself will never get a body (thus power) because he clearly has shown that he will abuse power - and even common sense.  One constant theme in the turbulent 32 years I had to endure was a constant need to gain power over others (manipulation).  When she got some leverage, she would use it.  This is the exact opposite of what we need to be about.  If we are given any kind of power, we need to wield it with kid gloves.  For what we abuse in this life, we will be deprived of in the next.  To the point that even in her death, and the subsequent estate monies disbursed, I want none of it as that pall of manipulation still hangs over anything she put her hands to.  The odd thing is that I had no problem being party to some monies that my FIL (divorced from my MIL) and who was a repentant pedophile, had disbursed to my wife.  Odd you say?  Nope - just how dysfunctional things were with my MIL.

If we expect to gain true eternal power, we will never bear false witness.  Imagine the chaose in heaven if this kind of thing were allowed in and allowed to flourish.  The order, the peace the serenity would break down.  Thus, those who love a lie and to make a lie, will be thrust down to hell.  Not pushed.  Not shoved.  Thrust!!  In other words, you cannot get rid of that trash soon enough.  I have pictured my MIL going to meet the man she was sealed to in this life and the eventual confrontation over what I percieve as lies that were told against his fidelity, etc in order to tear him down.  I get the idea that this meeting will not go well.  Character and tendencies do not just change in the blink of an eye once we pass over the veil.

If we expect to gain true eternal power, we will never covet.  If we covet (as David did), the minute we get some power, it will be used to manipulate a situation into our favor, as was done with Bathsheba.  Instant loss of rank for David.  Almost instant consequences for him and his posterity.  We can covet by not being fair in the way we treat others financially.  This cost me a friendship with my best man who put the squeeze on a desperate man he was buying a crate motor from.  He needed to money to pay a medical bill and, knowing he was desperate, he talked this man down from the valuated $4000 to $700.  I lost respect for him to the point that I had to cut off our former relationship.  He pointed out that the man who he was on Sunday did not necessarily convey who he was when it came to business (even though he had the $4,000) during the week.  This, I could not deal with and it told him I could no longer be my friend on those terms.

If we expect to gain true eternal power, we will never be stingy.  We will know that God has given us everything - and that we have nothing and are nothing without Him.  When we see another in need, we will act.  This is the essence of tithes and offerings for the poor.  We know that sacrifice is one of the foundational pillars of heaven.  The Law of Tithing is the greatest motivator to the removal of stinginess.  The higher law, Consecration, takes that to a whole new level and is meant to be the foundation of Terrestrial living.  All things in common.  This includes our relationships with our children and our spouses.  We must be willing to give it all up, if it means it is the best thing for them.  We will always seek the betterment of another above our own needs.  This is the key to a successful marriage and the polar opposite of what the world teaches.

If we expect to gain true eternal power, we will seek humility.  The whole "not my will, but thine be done" is a key attitude.  The arrogant, the haughty, those who have no intention of bending the knee and confessing that Jesus is the only way to Salvation, will never achieve true power.  It is in humbly confessing that you are nothing before the God of this Universe, that you gain true power.  This is precisely why satan will never have any.  Because he chose to put at defiance, the Plan of Happiness and to go his own way, while convincing others to do the same.  Rebellion is NOT a Godly attribute.

If we expect to gain true eternal power, we will be filled with love.  This is the essence of everything.  This is the currency of heaven.  It is what moves things over there.  The grease, so to speak.  All things, including the very elements, operate according to obedience and love of God.  Coercion and manipulation are the domain of devils.  Genuine compliments will flow freely and mutual approbation and support will be the norm - and without compulsory means it will flow.  You will see the potential of all of God's children and seek for that end.

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