Tuesday, August 1, 2023


 Very interesting study:

The "Universe 25" experiment is one of the most terrifying experiments in the history of science, which, through the behavior of a colony of mice, is an attempt by scientists to explain human societies. The idea of ​​"Universe 25" Came from the American scientist John Calhoun, who created an "ideal world" in which hundreds of mice would live and reproduce. More specifically, Calhoun built the so-called "Paradise of Mice", a specially designed space where rodents had Abundance of food and water, as well as a large living space. In the beginning, he placed four pairs of mice that in a short time began to reproduce, resulting in their population growing rapidly. However, after 315 days their reproduction began to decrease significantly. When the number of rodents reached 600, a hierarchy was formed between them and then the so-called "wretches" appeared. The larger rodents began to attack the group, with the result that many males begin to "collapse" psychologically. As a result, the females did not protect themselves and in turn became aggressive towards their young. As time went on, the females showed more and more aggressive behavior, isolation elements and lack of reproductive mood. There was a low birth rate and, at the same time, an increase in mortality in younger rodents. Then, a new class of male rodents appeared, the so-called "beautiful mice". They refused to mate with the females or to "fight" for their space. All they cared about was food and sleep. At one point, "beautiful males" and "isolated females" made up the majority of the population.
According to Calhoun, the death phase consisted of two stages: the "first death" and "second death." The former was characterized by the loss of purpose in life beyond mere existence — no desire to mate, raise young or establish a role within society. As time went on, juvenile mortality reached 100% and reproduction reached zero. Among the endangered mice, homosexuality was observed and, at the same time, cannibalism increased, despite the fact that there was plenty of food. Two years after the start of the experiment, the last baby of the colony was born. By 1973, he had killed the last mouse in the Universe 25. John Calhoun repeated the same experiment 25 more times, and each time the result was the same.
Calhoun's scientific work has been used as a model for interpreting social collapse, and his research serves as a focal point for the study of urban sociology.
We are currently witnessing direct parallels in today’s society..weak, feminized men with little to no skills and no protection instincts, and overly agitated and aggressive females with no maternal instincts.

I always wondered what would cause the "hang out" culture that we see going on today where there is little drive exhibited in the males.  Part of it is those males coming from broken homes where they have no solid male role models.  This is a likely good explanation.  Now, the next question is what is going to be done to make the human experiment last for nearly 1,000 years without a 'programming' change in the human species.

I maintain (just one of my wild theories) that God has introduced "tweaks" to our programming via social choke points such as the Great Flood with Noah and also via Abraham, from whom many modern nations have descended, or through whom that leaven has caused a general rise in the overall performance of the species.  Yes, my theory would probably enrage the average skinhead, as it points to the source of many of the great inventions and genius in the world to the House of Israel and not some German super race (though the Germans are very smart and capable, etc).

It was always the role of Ephraim and also of Judah to provide leadership and assistance to the Human Race - but, as with anything else, with privilege comes responsibility.  In many aspects, Ephraim and Judah have both fallen on their faces.  Drunkards of Ephraim and the only people capable of killing off the God who came to save them spiritually.  Literally, the only place in the universe that could have done that to the greatest soul to walk this earth.  Messed up in the extreme!

I am never too harsh because He will come again and yet many will not perceive Him in this generation.  Coming in power and glory will set things straight and wake a few up...  Either due to the cares of this world or due to wickedness.  Either way, it will be telling.

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