Tuesday, May 31, 2022


 I love this movie.  It teaches many things about a Terrestrial Order and the system that needs to be in place before the Lord comes.  Principles of selflessness, higher purpose, loyalty to God and the need for a moral code etc:


Great stuff.


  1. I guess I always had the understanding that the Lord would usher in the Millennium. But if I understand you correctly, you are saying certain principles have to be lived before he can come? So are New Jerusalem, Jerusalem, City of Enoch, mini places of Millennium? When the Lord comes again, he will usher in these conditions for the whole earth. Or what is the order?

  2. Have you been following all of the "fires" happening to factories, fertilizer issues and chicken factories burning or being killed for bird flu. Even trains full of fertilizer are getting derailed.

    Los Angeles is reporting $8 gallon of gas.

    Not to mention airline pilots who are reporting heart issues.

    1. Since you mentioned airlines, all kinds of flights are being canceled and does the media say WHY. Of course not, what do they say: Sorry folks, airline pilots and flight attendants left to avoid forced vaccination mandates that goes against the "advise and consent" doctrine, established by Nuremberg Trials as well as the US Constitution. No one dares add that little bit on inconvenient information. To say nothing, promotes the lie and deception. Tokyo Rose could not have done more damage. I consider every media complex seditious, not to mention all the other issues this commenter has stated. A media culture is created where everyone follows the story line. Like the guards in WW2 concentration camps, when asked why they could participate in such horrific things to the Jews, they simply said, we were just following orders.

      Of course the Elephant in the room; why doesn't our Church leadership warn of these things? I believe, like Trump, they are oblivious to the threats upon us. Now maybe there could be the issue of acting to protect the Church from government incursions - even that does not pan out if one is to act according to conscience. I believe these men to be the Lord's anointed I am talking about, but.....they are still human, with their own prejudices and belief systems.

      Some may say I am an apostate, wait until the most faithful members who have blindly followed the direction of the Church and got their shots and developed all the cardio issues, with more than the usual degenerative conditions and they keep getting worse until death. I believe many will not figure it out, but others who research these things will come to a very sickening awareness, and they will be so angered at the damage, I am afraid the leadership will loose all credibility. Hopefully people will study and ponder instead of following their emotions, mistaken for spirit. Has everyone forgot we learn precept upon precept, line upon line. It is well known that most people who have taken the shots have done no research, and the rest ignore the research that counters the established narrative. At least for me the Spirit is not an "on demand" sort of experience. So much I have asked for, I have received no answers that I can discern, I still have to wait. Mine are based upon long term research and pondering until I come to a realization that it is just obvious, once I am willing to look at my arguments and recognize the flaws in my reasoning. Once you can connect with one truth, it opens the door to recognizing other truths.
