Wednesday, June 23, 2021


 I read this stuff prior to going on my mission when my mother (thankfully) gave me a copy of the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith.  I could have read any other book and gotten nothing from it compared to what I gained from that book.  I truly fell in love with the man and what he was about.  I could testify of him after that.  I gained a full testimony of the Book of Mormon in the MTC, even though I always had a spiritual witness of it since I was a young lad.  My intellectual testimony of it grew (and is still growing) and was cemented to the point that I could witness of the power of it in the MTC.  I remember sending copies of it to anyone who did not have a witness of it and asking them to read it.  I had fallen in love with the words between the covers of that book also.

What was the common font?  Joseph Smith.  What was his source?  Jesus Christ.  His source?  The Father.  So simple.

I have witnessed so many miracles in my life, that I fear of what would happen if I were to turn from the font of that.  Most of those miracles are a result of my wife and I being endowed with power from on high (in the temple) and through faith in Jesus Christ.  When I see people like our old Bishop friend fall, it is likely due to not having experienced miracles in life.  For whatever reason, they likely were not manifested or acknowledged, or savored.  As I get older, I become more contemplative and realize how great God has been in my life.  My wife and I are constantly recounting and giving thanks for all things.  We have witnessed so many tender mercies, though I can focus on the negatives (of any situation), at times.  I feel that the recognition of a miracle is key in having greater miracles manifested.  Having a spirit of repentance is key (always being willing to and striving to, course correct.  Humility (admission that we are NOTHING BEFORE THE LORD), is another key attribute/quality.  Being able to keep our mouths shut and keep the most sacred of things to ourselves.  Yes, there is alot that I cannot say on this blog - even though I say most things to encourage others to seek after similar things.

Actively asking for the Second Comforter - and then being willing to endure what the Lord puts before you.  You will need to buckle up - and a lap belt will not do.....

Anyway, those are some of the things that will lead to a higher path.  Studying the works of those who have gone before, such as Enoch and being the least bit curious about the path they took.  The Lord will give nothing to those who are half interested.  Here is a quote from a book on Enoch that shows that it is a life long pursuit:

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