Wednesday, May 19, 2021


 I have a new buddy from Montreal.  She is on fire because her daughter received an injection years ago as an 8 year old.  The injection site was not normal and within months of that, she developed childhood cancer.

She died after mom tried everything to save her.

She is awake.  How come a mother is awake, yet most in leadership are not?!?  Isaiah 28

Why does the Church excommunicate those who have been wronged by and who speak out against the medical community?  Sometimes even being excommunicated by those in the medical community who are also in positions of power within the Church?  Man, my basic instruction on conflict of interest at Boeing would swat that kind of thing down...

Why are the best people I know, the ones who are fighting this thing?  While those entrenched within the halls of power the ones fighting against my peeps?!?

There is a problem here, Houston!

Well, I just dropped the nuclear bomb and asked a reporter to look more deeply into this local death.  They are now asking people to vaccinate their kids down to the age of two.  Part of it because of this...  Here is my attempt at a check mate on that crap:

National Reporter,

I just read your article about Sarah Strate.

If you are truly an advocate for truth, you might be interested to know that I can set you up with eye-witnesses that saw her and her family at a border clinic the end of the prior week (of her death).  They all received the vaccine there.

Within five days she was dead.  Sarah’s mother subsequently suffered a massive stroke and a grand child was spontaneously aborted at six months gestation.  All within a week of receiving the injections as a family.

If you are courageous enough to tell the story, please reach out to my wife or I.  We can set you up with witnesses.  It needs to be told.

I am an engineer who worked with Boeing for 20 years.  Yes, I worked on the very systems that caused the crash of the 737 Max.  Those of us who have chosen not to speak out against the voices of omission are, in some way or another, accessories to murder.  This very situation is analogous to that situation.

I choose to be silent no longer.  Sarah and her future niece died because of the injection, not for the lack of it.  There are no coincidences there.

Thank you for your time.

Mr Wood Zone.

Let the truth begin!

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