Friday, January 17, 2020


I cannot tell you how distressing this would have been for us over trying to get the body of our child from the coroner when he died of SIDS 19 years ago.  Here is the article:

The Iranian regime is corrupt and desperate to cover themselves in the wake of this tragedy.  Pray for the family of my friend, Kasra Saati.  I have never put someone’s name on the prayer roll as I have his.  So sad for his situation.  I know he had just gotten his Canadian citizenship and passport so he could travel to US vendors, but not sure if his wife could have had the time to do the same and get out of Iran with the kids to a safer haven.

There are few safe havens left as people and their nations abandon good principle.

Pray for Trump.  Pray for his success in this circus in the Senate.  The USA under his leadership is one of the last hold outs where the rule of law is relatively still king.

This plane crash, with the attendant eating of crow by the Iranians, just offset the escalation of events in the Middle East by months or years.  In many respects, this is a good thing.  A pivotal thing in world events.  Not sure exactly why, but time will show it pivotal in setting back the event that would led to the nuking of Tel Aviv by months or years, but not decades.

On most pivotal events, I seem to have some connection including the Sept 11 premonition, the premonition or dream of what happens at Hill, the post-monition of the visit by Obama to Israel followed by the discovery of the Dewey Bruton vid describing him as the anti-Christ a few weeks later and then this pivotal event and my work buddy.

It may seem small now, but it was huge.  It will prove huge.

I have even been on board Trump’s personal jet when Paul Allen still owned it and it was parked in his Boeing Field hangar with other toys typical of a billionaire.  I remember when Trump flew into Everett for a rally in 2016 and I had the thought that I had not seen too many 757 biz jets and looked it up and made the connection...  When Allen sold the Portland Trail Blazers, he dumped the jet they would fly around on and Trump picked it up.

Another random thought that qualifies more as a journal entry; I was in the SL temple chapel a few weeks ago waiting for a friend to go thru a session before they close the old girl down (she is female, you know), and I started thinking about the 250 people in that chapel and likely how most were from the SL and Utah valleys and how most would likely be affected by the VoG events.  I then asked if they were collectively at the point that they merited the events of that book with a 90% reduction in force as described in Isaiah and verified by Abraham Gileadi.  As I am thinking about those items and the attendant water that would fill the very room I was in, I heard the roaring of the water as it passed by in North Temple down from the alphabet streets after the block faulting and destruction there.  The roar I heard was similar to what you would hear as the Niagara goes over the precipice from Goat Island.  Similar to what a jet engine on a fighter sounds like as it takes off with after burner.

The destruction is real.  I start a job on Monday for twice what I was earning at the CALGARY dog and pony gig.  This is the poetic justice for opening my mouth and sharing my beliefs when solicited. I will share them when asked.  I expect NO fallout for having done so.  If there is, and someone takes exception, they will lose their vision and not be able to see in this pivotal year of 2020 when Trump gets re-elected.  I again just asked for the Lord’s help in this matter and I expect satisfaction.  When you do the Lord’s bidding, things happen in the perfect way, and in the perfect time.

Anyway, I went thru a session with one of the principals of the Isaiah institute and we did a very late dinner at City Creek Mall.  As we walked back to our cars, the Conference Center entrance to the underground garage was locked for the night so he and I hoofed it down the garage ramp to where he could get to his vehicle and drive me back to our surface street parking spot.  It was interesting in light of my earlier experience in the SL temple walking the garage ramp where the VoG narrative starts with Spencer emerging into a flooded street after the earthquake that starts the tribs of our people.  That was a Tuesday.

Friday of that same week, we were at a hot springs in Honeyville, UT and I randomly happened into another Isaiah Institute member in the large soaking pool and we chatted for a few hours.  Folks, we have some interesting times ahead.  Neal A Maxwell is kind of a player in all of this.  He was Spencer’s Apostle friend and Home Teacher who encouraged him to write a book on his experiences when the time was right.  NAM was also the one who got Abraham Gileadi’s ex-com overturned back in 1992.  Avraham and Spencer are best friends.  Neal A Maxwell is pivotal in many events leading up to the Second Coming from the other side of the veil.  I have it on good authority but I cannot go into detail.  Let’s just say that things are rolling along nicely and he is a pivotal player.  Same thing applies to John Pontius.

Way more is going on over there than over here.  Just trust in the Lord.  I have had to with my employment - and just said another prayer over my blog stalker this morning.  This is a warning to back off.  You cannot see; what troubles you will have in 2020.  Truly, there are more that be for us, than against us.  Alma 33.....

The very pit they have dug to trap the servants of the Lord, they will fall in themselves.  From Trump to an inconsequential player as myself, the Lord will back us.  I put inflammatory stuff on the blog to draw out trolls just to see who is out there who does not have my best interest in mind.  In short, I troll the trolls for sport.  Reeling in the company slut was the best troll ever!  Seeing her in Calgary to personally fire me over my beliefs on the sanctity of Chastity and not busting up another’s marriage was THE best ever.....  You really can’ t make this stuff up!  Moving on to something so much better? Priceless!  A true Visa moment!

Shortly after getting my job offer on December 23rd, I had to turn down a generous offer from Embraer to take this better offer and was in the Joseph Smith building getting hot choco at the Nauvoo Cafe and took this pic with a heart full of gratitude at the tender mercies.  I will be able to work from home 90% with vendor visits the rest of the time.  Truly the best gig I could ever imagine having:

How ironic, turning down multiple six figure opportunities on a day I was celebrating Joseph’s birthday in a memorial building in his honor when I had gone thru a rash of crap for standing up for his “purple koolaid” gig!  I love a good ending....  And the same day, getting news that I was getting paid employment insurance by the company who fired me due to retaliation for stating my solicited religious beliefs, including Chastity.  All of this on December 23rd.  As we were eating at our favorite      restaurant, Tucanos, I told my wife that this was likely in the top five favourite days of my life (my wedding day being number one, of course....).

So yeah, as I always state, put God first and His commandments and your witness of him and let the chips fall where they may.  Those who oppose simply will be swept out of the way into the trash bins of history.  They WILL lose their vision if they do not repent.


  1. Congrats on the new job!

  2. So very happy for you good friend. Well deserved

  3. "When you do the Lord’s bidding, things happen in the perfect way, and in the perfect time." I really needed this today. Thank you.

  4. Thanks for comments about NAM and VOG. VOG really changed my life and thinking when I read it.
