Wednesday, September 20, 2017


There is some scuttlebutt out there where Mike Stroud is getting the same attention as Spencer and others have as being an apostate because he has stepped out and is giving life examples that do not fit neatly in the box, so to speak.

Here is the article that was brought up on the FB take-down of Mike Stroud:

I do not like how Visions of Glory was thrown in with DS.....  Sorry - but you have the author who is currently a Bishop in SLC who is tied in with the 12, and who would NEVER be a Bishop, had they perceived him as a "whacka-doodle" or off in the doctrinal left field.  Short of scripture, I have never had a book hit home like VoG did (other than one small detail I am still coming to grips with - or not).  And yes, the 144K are being prepped right now - for their mission; just as John the Baptist had to be prepped for quite some time prior to Christ's three year ministry which began with John baptizing Him.  The 144K work on the preparatory stuff required to gather and build Zion - just prior to Christ coming to receive "the Bride".

I also happen to disagree with the above article - in that there is an element of demonic influence on some forms of mental illness, in that the demonic influences are more prevalent and work on anyone in ANY kind of a weakened condition, whether it be sin which wears the spirit of the individual down, whether it be alcohol or drug use which does the same, or whether it is a weakened ability to logically reason when the brain function is compromised, which leads to false or skewed conclusions.  I also state that there is a definite biological component to mental illness - which is why it often runs in families, as the genetic disposition is passed from one generation to the next.  I have seen all of the above first hand - and I have used the experience as a learning tool as to where the boundaries of the various issues lie.  I have personally cast evil spirits out of persons weakened by alcohol and drugs (when I was in Brazil), and I know what that experience is like.  I have tried to contrast and compare the two states, with their differences.

I happen to be able to relate quite well to Mike Stroud's life experiences and do not find the Spirit grieved, as some have complained.  Why is it, that those who seem to call out good people always wear copious amounts of make-up?  I have observed those who seem to be struggling with good and right, always seem to cake it on......  This has hit home, as of late......  Too many "cakers" calling out good people as evil.  As if to cover up the person they see in the mirror - one that they do not like......  No, seriously.  A little, to cover some blemishes - no worries.  But thick enough that you need a jack hammer to take it off every night is what I am talking about.....

Here is a comment I had about Mike Stroud (my defense on him) on FB:

I read the first chapter of Second Comforter by DS and put it down and never picked it up again. I followed DS on his blog for some time - and liked much of what he had to say - but sensed apostasy in him from almost the start. I could have put a 70% chance of failure on him. It turned out to be a 100% chance. With Mike Stroud (who loved DS's book), I put less than a 10% chance of failure (falling into a trap as DS did), due to his working knowledge of the Gospel. Even if one strays from the path, a working knowledge always brings them back to center. DS did not experience miracles in his life due to a working knowledge. His knowledge was book, or intellectual-based knowledge. There is a massive difference. 2 Nephi talks of this difference.
As far as make-up and anything else that covers up our natural beauty goes, why must we indulge in it.  I remember in seminary, as a kid, hearing the words of Isaiah talking of the "painted ladies" and those who wore excessive jewelry.  I am just not into the "accessorizing" thing.  I have always been attracted to modest and simple.  Not the "Vegas ladies" that are largely fake from head to toe, including fake eye-lashes.  I don't mind a little make-up - but extremes is kind of ridiculous.  Maybe I am just a little too granola and Birkenstock.  Maybe I like to keep it real - except in the case of bad acne, birth marks, etc.


  1. Thank you for this post and the courage to do so. Yes, we need to take the spirit for our guide and yes, there are mysteries to the kingdom that will not be found in Sunday School, but if one is following the core doctrines, not disparaging the leaders and changing the lives of others for good, well, that's a pretty big sign this person lives by the spirit.

    You cannot read about Mike's experiences in life, his dedication to the gospel, his thirst for more knowledge and then put in him a box with Snuffer. This person on FB is what we call a FB Prepper. Looking for an audience to chew on fat with all day long and not really doing the heavy lift of reading, praying and pondering to know the mysteries of God and developing a relationship with him. Because when you do, you would never think to disparage someone like Mike Stroud.

  2. Mike has taught me a lot. So much so that I took the challenge of seeing that transcribe his podcasts were available so that others could read and study them. The spirit has been very strong.

    Mike is a good, honest, righteous man dedicated to the gospel and worshiping Jesus the Christ. Yes, he is just that a man.

    1. Thanks Mike,
      I appreciate your service transcribing Mike'S podcasts.
      I am impatiently waiting for the remainder of the Highly Favored series to be release. I have the first 3.
      Roy Barrus

    2. Robert, I recognize your name from reading two of Mike Stroud's books. (I have the third one in my read pile).

      I just can't thank you enough for transcribing those podcasts. I have such a hard time learning while just listening and the books have been a HUGE blessing to me in terms of my personal study.
      Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  3. Thank you Iraq for bringing us the link to Mike Strouds work.... my association with his testimony has fortified my own testimony of Calling & Election Doctrine, the uncovering of the dynamics of devils and unclean spirits in our mortal experience as well as shed Light on many other obsure Gospel topics. The World & many Chirch members of all faiths are walking in darkness & we need to be awoken by understanding the deeper doctrine of The Lords Word & take upon us Greater Light & Knowledge & above all have The Spirit of Christ with the gift of discernment to avoid deception and the many pitfalls both in & out of the mix of Christianity in this increasingly contrasting world.We have to know the Gospel ,the scriptures & how the Spirit works with us well enough to not to be deceived . There was a great apostasy in the past and it will be so in the future. There is a great test coming.... If you're not preparing both temporally & Spiritually for the coming days , that's proof that you're asleep as well. Now step forward with footsteps of Faith in the Lord & slumber no longer for He is preaching His own Sermons with Nature & will further scourge this nation with war ,famine & other means measuring out both justice upon the ripening wicked & mercy upon the refining righteous leaving no heart uneffected .

  4. Thank you Iraq for this. I want to add my witness about Mike. Mike is as humble as they come. He is genuine and truly a holy man. I don't know Denver Snuffer. I heard about him after everything came crashing down. But those who do know him said that he is a proudful man and it is pride that will take anyone of us down if we don't keep it in check. This is one reason why it is so important to make sure you are received your OWN personal revelation and you understand what source your revelation is coming from! We need to know this! It is crucial if we want to avoid deception.

  5. My name is Rebekah and am the daughter of Mike Stroud. I know him as a regular man with faults and all. Trust me when I say that he truly seeks to do what Heavenly Father wants and loves his family and is truly learning to love others the way the Savior does. He does not seek a following or anything for himself. Love you Dad!
