Tuesday, January 3, 2017


I woke up this morning from a great dream.

In it, there was a scamming multi-level marketing company that relied upon the ignorance of a populace that they could delude, into doing their bidding.  One of their delusions was travel and delivering people to a place they thought they were going.  In reality, they never left the same city - there was no fantastical vacations as prizes for their hard work - it was the place they had never left.  Their "airplane" was not an airplane at all.  Part of their delusion is that it ran on propane.  One of the employees kept questioning this stuff - and they always had an answer, based on false information.  The "pilot" kept asking me what my profession was and I never gave him the answer - but just observed them in their delusion - seeing how far down the "primrose path" they would go before they finally gave in and admitted that they were indeed living under a delusion that they had created in order to deceive.

Folks - this is satan's plan and the purpose of his whole existence.  He has created a complete delusion and we, the passengers, have largely accepted it and bought into it.  We live in a life of complete delusion where the government is fake (our Constitution has been nearly completely subverted), the news is largely fake, monetary system is fake (fiat currency), the premise of the one world religion (climate change) is fake - and the real purposes of what we are paying taxes for is fake - and no one questions it.  The world's religions are fake and based on such fantastical garbage as to be mostly laughable.

"Christianity" has been slowly morphed and twisted into believing in a God that is a weak, emaciated, powerless one who has no real power and who, according to the latest "pope", may not return (ie, we have been abandoned by Him).  This "god" that we are supposed to believe in is a fake that has no body parts, nor passions (this thing they have created is a droid with no form) and is so laughable as to be about as real as Santa Claus.   The current form of a Christian's "God" is more like that of the god they really worship (satan), than it is of the real thing (God the Father).

The reality is that we have a God who is passionate - to the level that He cast 1/3 of His rebellious kids to the curb for insubordination and for loyalty to one who was an accuser of the unaccusable (Jesus) and who STILL are under the delusion that they will become as God is (having a body of flesh and bones and to live with unbridled power and potential - where they, in their Millennial entitled mindset, will abuse that power in perpetuity).  It will not be allowed to happen - for it would upset the balance of things as they have been from eternity to eternity - and God will NOT be mocked.  And I have to say this for some readers out there - God will allow that mocking to go on for some period of time - but the hammer will ultimately fall.  If you don't believe me - take a look at any major archealogical dig - successive layers baby.......  Each layer representing one group of people who erroneously thought they could flaunt good principle - and then failed.......

America is about to get her first (European) layer to go on top of the Jaredite and Nephite layers.....

We can either wake out of the deep sleep that we are slaves to, repent and arise and be men/women - or we can persist in our delusions and go the way of the rest of the 1/3 of our spirit brothers and sisters who, quite frankly, were just too spiritually stupid to get it.  And thus, the effecting of their delusion - which they will never be able to shake.

We have the power to change that outcome.  We hold the keys in our hands.