Monday, January 16, 2017


This guy said that he was a paid propagandist for the CIA as he worked for the German media.  In 2014, he blew the whistle - and now it appears that he has paid the ultimate price for his heroism.

This is amazing - may Donald Trump survive to dismantle that hellish organization, and may those who are LDS who work for them, either repent and come down into the depths of humility - or go straight to hell for their complicity.

No straight-thinking person can believe that the CIA/FBI has no ulterior/dark motives in their work.

I am so done with corruption!!


1 comment:

  1. I have learned something very enlightening, at least for myself anyway. It's fruitless trying to figure out what God is going to do in the last days. For who can know His mind and what He will cause to come about? Instead, I focus on what He has already done.

    A gold mine in the scriptures witnesses of examples of those who love Him, worship Him, and yes, fear Him. It's obvious the wicked don't fear, love, or worship Him.

    One is able to see how He's dealt with/rewarded the righteous and the wicked in the scripture. One is able to see what He has already done and in some respects we do have a glimpse of what He is going to do. He will destroy the wicked from off the face of this earth forever by fire very soon. He will resurrect all of us and those worthy of any measure of glory will be rewarded what they deserve.

    So, stay clean, faithful, do all the good you can, share the Book of Mormon and the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ when prompted, help save souls now that you've been saved, keep the commandments, and repent immediately when you mess up. And then we just......wait for Him to come back! He is coming back! The KING is coming back!

    Oh I know it's going to be a difficult time indeed. We'll see things we never imagined both good and bad. But, it will not always be a mixture of Babylon and Zion.

    The day is coming when we will dwell in the House of the Lord forever. Basking in His Light and Goodness never again knowing pain, sorrow, or death.

    That being said, I found this gem. It's the order of the twelve tribes as listed in Revelation 7. We know the names are out of order, Dan is missing, and Manasseh has been added. So, if you take the meanings of their names as listed in Revelation 7, it would read as if the House of Israel is saying this:

    "Praise the Lord.  He has looked on my affliction [and] good fortune comes.  Happy and blessed am I.  My wrestling has made me forget my sorrow.  God hears me, has joined me, rewarded me, exalted me [by] adding to me the Son of His right hand."

    Pretty cool huh? God bless whoever reads this and be with you until the end of your mortal probation.
