Tuesday, March 3, 2015


I am not anti-vaxxer - I am just for safe vaccines, if you must have them.

In a nation where there is no polio (due to proper sanitation and existing eradication programs), why must we continue to beat a dead horse by administering to the "uninfectable"?  Unless there is money or control involved, there is no need to.  Simple as that!

Here is some sanity in an insane world - which seems to get more insane literally by the hour! :



  1. Could not disagree with you more. We have no polio because we are vaccinated against it. We now have measles because of those that decided (like you) they know more than the medical authorities. I remember the "iron lungs" and really don't want to see them return.

  2. Mr. Anonymous, with all due respect a medical title doesn't necessarily mean anything. I'm a nurse and I know first hand. I guess you have never read the package insert, of those vaccines, or for each of the chemicals that are in them you've likely never looked each one up on the MSDS sheets. If it is labeled toxic....why in the world would you put it in your body, or the bodies of your innocent children? A government that has been proven to do experimentation on masses of people without their knowledge such as the impoverished in Africa and India...or the unknowing orphans who have handicaps that are warded to the state, or how about the experiments they did to the black men with syphilis and did not tell them that they gave them this STD, then on top of that did not even give them treatment all in the name of "to see what would happen." Well Mr. Anon....again no disrespect intended, but if you want to trust them, the gubiment, well you just go right on ahead. As for me.....I prefer to do my own thinking and make my own decisions. After all, that is what the war in heaven was all about to begin with..... AGENCY! As you may recall the one who wanted to take it all away, and do everything through force including taking all the glory from our Father in Heaven was CAST OUT! This is my opinion. You are free to choose for yourself. For me and my house.....We choose agency!

  3. People who criticize the medical field and blessings that have come through studies are hypocrites! They are a bunch of blow hards, but if they or their children have a serious health issue, where do they run to?? The doctors they call quacks and evil. Oh, and by the way, I am not the same Mr. Anon as above, you can call me Ms. Anon.
