Monday, March 9, 2015


Found on FB:

We are all loved by Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ--tremendously. We are never given more than we can handle. Preexistence--knowledge will come to us when needed to return to Heavenly Father. Everything promised will be given to us--in time. The Lord does not lie. If we fulfill our missions, we will have eternal life. The Atonement is real, and it has already been paid. Accept it. Forgive others--it is never too late. Miracles are around us every day. The Lord will help us daily with tender mercies. We are designed for this. The time is find out who we are! On the other side of the veil, the battle for our souls is great. We are divine, real, loved, validated and extraordinary. The veil can become thin. Gifts of the Spirit are given to all people; some get less and some get more. God sees all. Julie has been called crazy. Lord told her to go ahead. The Lord will take the weak things of the earth to deliver His messages. Nothing is a coincidence. Ministering angels are real. There are 2 to 3 for each person. The Lord will intervene for us when we do our part. We need to work things out sometimes. We can ask for help from angels when necessary. We need to change. The Holy Ghost will witness, guide, protect and heal us. Jesus Christ gives glory to the Father even after all he has been through. Pray for Charity with real intent. Help each other. We are given clarity when the Lord sees fit. We need to walk in the dark sometimes to appreciate the light. That is how we grow. Read the Book of Revelation. It is for our day. Everything was created spiritually first. We are all creators. The days of tribulations are almost upon us. They will last for seven years. Read the scriptures every day. Every day is a battle with the forces of evil. Natural disasters give glory to the Father. Do not be afraid. Fear is not of God. There will be scarcity. We just do our part. So a reality check of your heart and your sins. Where you need to make amends from the past, make them. Angels are recording your thoughts and actions. The vibration of your body language can be read by devils. They cannot read your thoughts. Satan knows us and will use our weaknesses. Pray, keep thoughts clean, pray for ministering angels. The Atonement is real. Don't limit the Lord. in ANYTHING! Sometimes we do limit Him and ourselves. Heavenly Father knows you by name and loves you. St George is sacred ground. Julie saw pockets of light there. It was dedicated anciently during the times of the Book of Mormon. We must strive to have light. Light has positive vibration. We need to get rid of bad thoughts immediately. The foreign troops are here already. They will invade from Las Vegas. They are coming. Julie saw a lot of tents--white tents--in St George. Some people will have their own tents. By faith, the people in St George area will be protected with invisibility from the enemy. We need to watch the movie 17 Miracles. Miracles will happen in the places of refuge. We will be living in Third World conditions. The Lord prepares us for the future. Do all you can to get Charity. Some people will not believe the message about being prepared to go to a place of refuge. Witness it to them. When they are ready, they will come. We need to love and go by the Spirit. The Lord loves us. Remember who you are. We each have a vital role to play. Julie noted that there were 500 chairs in the room and there was standing room only. She said that there were no paid advertisements, only word of mouth. Her message is threatening; she is not. She said that both seen and unseen angels help us. The Lord believes in us. She said we will look back one year from now and see that this day was pivotal. We are rallying the troops. We need to trust in God and decide who our master is. We need to chose the right. and become square with the Lord., and clean the closet. We need to repent and step up to declare who our master is. The Lord will help us on our journey.


  1. I was at this Julie Rowe presentation in St. George. There was a huge crowd, probably 800 people in a room set up with 500 seats. She was very disorganized and rambled on for an hour and a half - almost incoherently. It seemed like she was hopped up on cold medication or something. She did not use any notes, so there was no organization or flow to her message - she just kind of jumped all over the place. The audience was very respectful and quiet the whole time. A lot of people were using the word "Disappointed" after the speech. I went with a group of 7 people, and they all felt it was a waste of time. My wife and father were real skeptical, but went because I had asked them too. They now really think I am crazy. I would be curious to hear the impression of others that were in attendance. Was it just the group I was with that felt it was a waste of time? I had really hoped that seeing her in person would help validate the truthfulness of her message, unfortunately the opposite occurred.

  2. I was in attendance at Julie Rowes St. George Conference. A couple of other things that I picked up on was that she said the church/Lord does not reveal their battle plan and that is why we do not hear anything given over the pulpit. Another thing that is obvious, but that I had never thought of before was that the pre-existance is still going on for those unborn spirits and a war in heaven is still going on. She used the word "millions" to describe the number of tents in Southern Utah. She said they would be invisible from the Russian, Chinese, and US military aircraft. She said the foreign troop invasion would come up from LA to Las Vegas and then into the St. George area. If others were like me, it was these visions of the future that I was most interested in, but she only spent a few minutes talking about that. These notes above are a perfect representation of her talk, especially if you read them fast. She kind of jumped all over the place and seemed really disorganized.

  3. I was in attendance as well. Pretty much echo the above comments. I drove all the way from California to hear her in person. I am not disappointed in her but am curious as to why her message was so restrained from what I thought it would have been. Not to mention the stress of not having enough room and some overweight people who made me sit in my chair (squeezed) huddled position the duration of the event. She released more info on the radio show she did the day before. Especially on the after show segment. I'm thinking there was a reason she restrained the flow of information and gave a lot more elementary gospel doctrine. Perhaps she was overwhelmed by the energy of the room, or was given revelation to do what she did for whatever reason. Well, thank goodness I could eat dinner at Cracker Barrel nearby and sit with a nice meal without feeling crowded and stressed.

    1. I attended the event in Northern Virginia and the ebb n flow was wonderful. She disclosed to us that there were sign seekers in the crowd at St George and others who offended the spirit. Therefore, she was restrained.

      I will post my notes in a few days ... a very edifying experience.

    2. Those damn sign seekers

  4. How is the war in heaven still going on if Satan and his minions have already been banished to the earth??? She is starting to not make sense at all, I am starting to wonder if she is so unorganized that she is starting to ramble on her own musings and starting to make things up to keep people interested???

    1. It seems easy to see that the continuing war in heaven is over the remaining spirits that are still there even if the adversary and his followers have been banished

    2. Is this a serious question??? If so, you should probably go back and listen to General Conference or read the scriptures. You probably need some work on basic gospel doctrines.

    3. We have been told repeatedly by the brethren that the war that commenced in Heaven is not over and continues in this mortal sphere. Satan and the third serve an important role in tempting and trying us. This battle is raging and will increase in intensity till Christ comes again.

    4. Satan can pass through the veil at will, read "Putting om the Armor of God," by Steven A. Cramer.

  5. I was also in attendance and I thought it was decent, nothing earth shattering. However I really didn't expect her to say something that she hasn't said before. If you hadn't read her books or listened to the radio programs it would have been hard to follow, she was kind of all over the place. She is not a great speaker, which she has stated and her purpose it to just share a message. Over all it was a neat experience, very crowded but very quite and respectful. I did feel the spirit at times, and I'm not a 100% believer that what she says will all come to pass, but for the most part I do. I did record the meeting and haven't had time to listen again. One thing that did stick out was she did say we are a year out, and with in a year we will see that now is a pivotal time. So I took that as in a years time things will be bad, and maybe that will be a call out time. Thanks for all you do. from someone that is excited for the future and the life living under Christ. Living in Cache Valley, city of light I hope. :)

  6. In our group there were 5 adults, all of whom found the presentation very disappointing. She spoke extemporaneously, rambled, came across disorganized, and the message was generally very elementary. There were some very strange moments in her presentation. She would benefit greatly by using an outline to help keep her on track. In our group, we had hoped she would have focused more on her sacred experience, of which there was very little mentioned. She certainly lost credibility with some in the audience....but I am still a fan.

  7. I often sound disorganized in my thoughts as well, so when someone appears really disorganized that's the least of my concerns. Either way, we're all going to find out if she's crazy or not pretty soon. Even if she is crazy, you would be crazy (or stupid) not take her message seriously. What better time than NOW to prepare for uncertainty.

    I personally believe she is sincere and has put herself and family in a very uncomfortable situation to share this message. And for the people out there accusing her of trying to make money from her experience by selling books, I think that if she was all about the money she would have left the Church, joined the southern baptists and tried to cater to a much bigger market. Maybe she would have even gotten a movie deal. I'm not saying I believe Todd Berpo and his family are lying about "Heaven is For Real", but if you're all about the money, the evangelical protestant market is probably far more profitable than the Western States, LDS market. So, in my opinion, if people accuse her of trying to make money, I believe you are a false accuser and have said far more about yourself than about Julie Rowe.

    Besides, when she was at Cameron, MO, there were a lot of people from her old Overland Park, Kansas ward there to hear her speak, including family members of the bishop she first spoke to about her experiences years ago. Now tell me, why would they have taken time to make the hour and a half trip from Overland Park, KS to Cameron, MO if they felt she was a fraud. They know her better than anyone who's accused her.

    Time will prove her right or wrong.

  8. Since being at Julie Rowe's presentation Saturday evening, I have been pondering the experience. I think D&C 9:8-9 applies.

    8 But, behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right.

    9 But if it be not right you shall have no such feelings, but you shall have a stupor of thought that shall cause you to forget the thing which is wrong; therefore, you cannot write that which is sacred save it be given you from me.

    I think the confusing, disorganized message she gave was confirmation to me that it is a false message. Truth and light would not be confusing. In saying this, I am not discounting when she quotes the Apostles and Prophets, just her near death experience and her timing and interpretation of the future events that are foretold in the scriptures.

    1. I would agree with your reservations about her up until the point that she is not a loner.....there are others, even outside of the LDS faith who have echoed many of the same visions of the future and events that would take place....maybe not lock-step exact or detail for detail....but enough to validate the experience for me. Her disorganization or presentation is a diversion to those who are skeptical. That alone is not measuring stick.

  9. I have not seen her in person. I feel bad that people were disappointed at the live meeting. I can not deny the feeling that I need to prepare for the calamities that are coming. So when I heard of Sister Rowe's message it fit withing what I already felt. After I read her books and listened to her on the radio I have had more personal insight about the future that I ever had before. I agree with the comment above take Julie's message as an idea or starting point and though prayer, scripture study especially study modern day prophets teachings (there is a ton about the second coming and even the gathering) and Heavenly Father will give you a witness of the truth.

  10. Julie Rowe = waste of time. You are not going to learn anything enlightening from her. Listen to the prophets. Read the scriptures. Pray for spiritual enlightenment from these sources. Do you fully understand everything we KNOW is a valid source? If so, you should be leading the church... Julie means well, but she is deceived.

  11. All, I am a convert to the LDS faith. I encourage all of you to pray to know whether or not what Sister Rowe shared is true. Take it to the Lord with real intent. Ask him over and over until He answers the you. reading Pres. Uctdorf's talk on increasing your faith given in the last October Saturday morning session. If you don't pray over the matter and simply learn about Sister Rowe through a forum like this one, how are you any better than those that never pray to know whether the church is true. I would love to share with you the great blessing Lord has given me in knowing whether or not what she shared is true. But I am concerned you would not work for an answer yourself if I did so.

  12. Corrections made...
    All, I am a convert to the LDS faith. I encourage all of you to pray to know whether or not what Sister Rowe shared is true. Take it to the Lord with real intent. Ask Him over and over until He answers you. Read Pres. Uctdorf's talk on increasing your faith given in the last October Saturday morning session. If you don't pray over the matter and simply learn about Sister Rowe through a forum like this one, how are you any better than those that never pray to know whether the church is true? I would love to share with you the great blessing Lord has given me in knowing whether or not what she shared is true. But I am concerned you would not work for an answer yourself if I did so.

  13. I heard her on the radio and I was in attendance that night. I invited my mother-in-law to go with me and we ended up sitting a little uncomfortable on the floor. I was looking forward to more details than just the basics and did feel that she jumped around a bit. So I felt a little disappointed at first, but then thought that maybe we don't need the details! Also we are taught in the scriptures that the Lord many times calls people who are not great at speaking (Moses anyone?). If we are doing what is right, listening to the spirit, and following the prophet, we will have no need to fear. I did appreciate that she spoke about loved ones who don't believe, and she basically said to not let this discourage us, that it is all part of the plan and they have their agency and will believe when the time is right for them. I read her 1st book just this last week. The meeting and her book did not necessarily feel "wrong" to me. My mother-in-law and I came to the conclusion that she kind of lulled us not quite to sleep but with a calmness. I wanted to ask the Lord about her claims. I recently earnestly prayed and immediately thought to read 3 Nephi 23. It starts with the Savior telling to "search these things-- great are the words of Isaiah--all things that he spake have been and shall be, even according to the words which he spake" I believe her message can help warn others who previously have not read the scriptures or help them have more of a desire to do so. But if you haven't heard of Julie Rowe, but are earnestly reading your scriptures, I don't think you will be surprised at earthshaking events that will come to pass.

  14. I believe Julie spoke from the heart what the spirit was relating to her, thus she would have appeared disorganized. Our spirits need to discern her message because when we are in tune disorganization becomes fully organized, and complete clarity is what we gain. Attending her events with a desire to hear what we want to hear rather than what she's inspired to tell us is like telling Heavenly Father we know what's best, therefore only that which we seek should be given. If she had read from a script I would have been greatly alarmed. The fact that she spoke with no outline or notes confirms to me that she was truly listening to the spirit and conveying it's message. Only those who are truly in tune will hear the truth in what she says. Nay sayers and doubters will be weeded out because it is too simple for them to understand.

  15. I am closely acquainted with Julie. Just a few thoughts and scriptures.
    And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions
    And because my words shall hiss forth—many of the Gentiles shall say: A Bible! A Bible! We have got a Bible, and there cannot be any more Bible.
    And again I speak unto you who deny the revelations of God, and say that they are done away, that there are no revelations, nor prophecies, nor gifts, nor healing, nor speaking with tongues, and the interpretation of tongues;

    Behold I say unto you, he that denieth these things knoweth not the gospel of Christ; yea, he has not read the scriptures; if so, he does not understand them
    And again, verily I say unto you, the coming of the Lord draweth nigh, and it overtaketh the world as a thief in the night
    And again, I exhort you, my brethren, that ye deny not the gifts of God, FOR THEY ARE MANY; and they come from the same God. And there are different ways that these gifts are administered; but it is the same God who worketh all in all; and they are given by the manifestations of the Spirit of God unto men, to profit them.
    Therefore, gird up your loins, that you may be the children of light, and that day shall not overtake you as a thief.
    President Monson: We live in turbulent times. Often the future is unknown; therefore, it behooves us to prepare for uncertainties. WHEN THE TIME FOR DECISION ARRIVES, THE TIME FOR PREPARATION IS PAST.
    President Benson: In the Book of Mormon we find a pattern for preparing for the Second Coming. A major portion of the book centers on the few decades just prior to Christ’s coming to America. By careful study of that time period we can determine why some were destroyed in the terrible judgments that preceded His coming and what brought others to stand at the temple in the land of Bountiful and thrust their hands into the wounds of his hands and feet.

    What decision is spoken of? A moral decision, confronted with temptation, unprepared for the allure of sining against our true selves? A physical, temporal decision that you are unprepared to execute upon even if you want to? Study out the scriptures and learn how the Lord gathers and protects his people in times of calamity and crisis.

    It seems to me that if we desire to not be surprised by the unknown future according to scripture, we ought to at least consider the experience of this random woman, Julie Rowe. To give place for the seed of spiritual gifts and not obsess over our current "bible" and that there can be no other. After all by small and simple things are great things brought to pass.

    At the very least, have some food storage, be a full tithe payer, and perfect your method of personal revelation with God. Prepare now, because if you need to make a decision and you have not prepared, the time is past per the word of the Prophet. I would caution you before you hastily discount her as a fraud, the Lord works in mysterious ways and it may be His plan to reveal visions of these times to sons, daughters, and elderly, as a test of faith, followed with official word to Church membership that the time is at hand. Hopefully we are as one of the virgins who has gathered oil for our lamps.

    Direct knowledge, a general authority: "The world is plenty evil enough for the second coming to begin, the problem is that it's not righteous enough". Let's NOT be part of the vast and spacious building that is growing in the Church which denies the gifts of the spirit and mocks those that believe in a God with countless children who loves them all equally. The message might not be for some in this way. But do not discount it and revile against it so fully that when it does arrive through Church authority you rebel against it out of pride and anger having been wrong. While this inconsequential random woman, whom in truth you deeply envied was right.

  16. "The world is plenty evil enough for the second coming to begin, the problem is that it's not righteous enough". This statement has been made in several Stake Conferences that I'm personally aware of. President Joseph Fielding Smith declared that this kind of statement is false- and that he would get "annoyed" when it was preached... (Doctrines of Salvation; McConkie) I'm not sure of the volume or page but it is easily searched.

    Now, having said that, it would be of particular interest to me if I knew that the Church had recently purchased 100,000 tents...(I don't know this first hand but second hand) This would vindicate Julie and others with similar visions of tent cities... Either way, the times and seasons are fixed. Our Father and the Savior know the time, whether the world is too wicked or not righteous enough. Events need to take place- and are.

    Julie's message for me was clear. Repent, serve, desire personal revelation, and get ready physically...

    Have a nice year...

  17. "Do not think the Lord delays his coming, for he will come at the appointed time, not the time which I have heard some preach when the earth becomes righteous enough to receive him. I have heard some men in positions and places of trust in the Church preach this, men who are supposed to be acquainted with the word of the Lord, but they failed to comprehend the scriptures. Christ will come in the day of wickedness, when the earth is ripe in iniquity and prepared for the cleansing, and as the cleanser and purifier he will come, and all the wicked will be as stubble and will be consumed"
    (Doctrines of Salvation V.3 pg. 3)

    Found the quote...

  18. "Do not think the Lord delays his coming" ...
    D&C 7-10 "For the hour is nigh and the day soon at hand when the earth is ripe..."

    I think we too frequently we believe that the "the appointed time" is chronologically set per our understanding of time as in something like January 1, 2016. Don't get me wrong, I'm not at all saying the Lord or God vacillate when it comes to this - but what I'm beginning to understand is that God sees the entire picture. He sees the entire grand master portrait of mortality. That portrait is finished when it's finished, and *that* is the 'appointed time' - could God the Father put the appointed time based on the collective state of mortality onto our chronological time? Yes, but that's not how this works. Free agency is still operative.

    When the painting is 'finished' - is the appointed time. Only God will know this - and only God can say the grand master portrait is done. And, being 'finished' does not mean January 1, 2016, or some other date per our understanding of time regardless of the collective state of mortality. I just don't think God works that way. The 'appointed time' is when the grand picture or portrait of all mortality is done. Now, yes, this will happen at some point in our chronological understanding of time, but at where in that understanding? Who knows. I don't think it applies because I don't think this is how the Lord works.

    The portrait need be finished before the Lord comes, because it being finished *is the appointed time* - and no one else can declare then entire grand master portrait or painting - done - but the God the Father. But, when it reaches that point, it will be delayed no more because the earth and its inhabitants are 'ripe'. It will not come as a thief in the night to those who have striven to see, in some measure yet still incomplete, the grand portrait. We see more and more of it when we strive to understand with Christ-like eyes and ears and understanding.

  19. Remember Abish in The Book of Mormon taking an opportunity to convince people of the power of God? I think this totally relates.

  20. I saw the presentation. I've never seen nor heard of Julie before. I just happened to be nearby and a friend recommended I go. Lucky I got there early because it totally filled the large room. It's obvious that there is a real hunger for spiritual info and the people attending seemed sincere.

    I certainly did not get any feeling that Julie or her team were trying to make big profits from this. She seemed nervous, confused and like she was only partially recovered from some trauma or nervous breakdown. Actually, I kind of felt bad for her and was hoping that her manager or someone could step in and maybe help structure things. I guess I was just one of those previously named nasty sign seekers because I was far less than impressed by the presentation.

    Folks, everyone of us should be transformed into what I was hoping Julie Rowe would be - and more. It's not reformation but rather transformation that IS the gospel of Christ. D&C 33:11-12 and 39:6 defines the gospel as a literal transformation that opens within each of us, a clear channel to all truth. I mean, the thing is, we are ALL supposed to become prophets; for the spirit of prophecy IS the testimony of Jesus.

    This quickly coming time will not allow us to skim over or go around this transformation. It's almost crunch time and it is roaring toward us like a freight train through the night. The remnant remaining on earth that will make it through the tribulation years and then the following wrath years, will no longer be running to Julie Rowe type presentations because all those remaining shall know Him - ie. they will have experienced the gospel transformation in it's fulness. (Jer. 31:33-34)
