Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Flouridate and add lithium to their water, and this:

“How Do You Kill 11 Million People?” The Answer is So Simple It Will Give You Chills….

13562342 Conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones or the “crazies” you see on TV make me roll my eyes and keep scrolling. Their ideas, like the FEMA camps being built for American citizens just seem so far-fetched to me that I think some screw must be loose in those heads. Do I think we have a lot of corrupt government leaders? Yes. Do I really think that every American citizen that would rather pay less on their taxes will one day be herded into these enclosures? C’mon, really.
I do love to read about history and past governments and was given this book by a friend. The title piqued my curiosity. Who would write a book like this? “How Do You Kill 11 Million People?” by Andy Andrews. It’s very short and took me all of 25 minutes to read. However, I’ve never been so frightened by a book in my life. I sat in my big, comfy chair with chills racing down my spine and my jaw hanging open. The answer is all too simple and frighteningly, all too familiar.
I’m not going to quote the whole book here, you’ll have to buy your own to read the whole thing, but the points that struck me the most were as follows:
“What we need to understand is how 11 million people allowed themselves to be killed.
Obviously, that is an oversimplification, but think with me here…If a single terrorist begins to shoot automatic weapons in a movie theater containing 300 people, the lone gunman couldn’t possible kill all 300. Why? Because when the shooting started, most of the crowd would run. Or hide. Or fight…
So why, for month after month and year after year, did millions of intelligent human beings – guarded by a relatively few Nazi soldiers – willingly load their families into tens of thousands of cattle cars to be transported by rail to one of the many death camps scattered across Europe? How can a condemned group of people headed for a gas chamber be compelled to act in a docile manner?
The answer is breathtakingly simple. And it is a method still being used by some elected leaders to achieve various goals today. How do you kill 11 million people? Lie to them.
According to testimony provided under oath by witnesses at the Nuremberg Trials…the act of transporting the Jews to death camps posed a particular challenge for the man who had been named operational manager of the Nazi genocide, Adolf Eichmann…set ambitious goals, recruited enthusiastic staff, and monitored the progress…
An intricate web of lies, to be delivered in stages, was designed to ensure the cooperation of the condemned (but unknowing) Jews. First, as barbed wire fences were erected…Eichmann or his representatives met with Jewish leaders to assure them that the physical restrictions being placed upon their community (in what became later known as the ghetto) were only temporary necessities of war. As long as they cooperated, he told them, no harm would come to those inside the fence…
These first two stages of deception were conducted to prevent uprisings or even escape.
Finally, Eichmann would appear before a gathering of the entire ghetto. Accompanied by an entourage of no more than thirty local men and officers of his own – many unarmed – he addressed the crowd in a strong, clear voice. According to sworn statements, these were very likely his exact words:
‘Jews: At last, it can be reported to you that the Russians are advancing on our eastern front. I apologize for the hasty way we brought you into our protection. Unfortunately, there was little time to explain. You have nothing to worry about. We want only the best for you. You will leave here shortly and be sent to a very fine place indeed. You will work there, your wives will stay at home, and your children will go to school. You will have wonderful lives. We will all be terribly crowded on the trains, but the journey is short. Men? Please keep your families together and board the railcars in an orderly manner. Quickly now, my friends, we must hurry!’
,,,At that moment they were lost. The trains rarely stopped until well inside the gates of Auschwitz.
Or Belzec.
Or Sobibor.
Or Treblinka…
A list drawn up by the German Ministry in 1967 names more than 1,100 concentration camps and subcamps accessible by rail…
The National Socialist German Workers’ Party, led by Adolf Hitler, rose to power during a time of economic uncertainty in a nation of people longing for better times. Germany was a modern, industrialized nation whose well-informed citizens enjoyed ready access to information by way of print and radio broadcast media.
Hitler was a man of the common people…and his speeches were exciting and passionate. He promised more and better and new and different. He vowed rapid change and swift action…
In working-class neighborhoods, he talked about ‘redistribution of wealth’ (direct quote of Hitler’s) and attacked the high profits generated by business owners…
‘How fortunate for leaders,’ Hitler said to his inner circle, ‘that men do not think. Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.’…
It is a fact that fewer than 10% of Germany’s population of 79.7 million people actively worked or campaigned to bring about Hitler’s change…
So the remaining 90% of Germans – teachers and doctors and ministers and farmers – did…what? Stood by? Watched?
Essentially, yes.
Mothers and fathers held their voices, covered their eyes, and closed their ears. The vast majority of an educated population accepted their salaries and avoided the uncomfortable truth that lingered over them like a serpent waiting to strike. And when the Nazis came for their children, it was too late…
You see, it wasn’t only the Jews who were persecuted. Today, most people are unaware that of the 11 million people exterminated, 5 million were not even Jewish…
We’ve all heard of the yellow triangles the Jews were forced to wear for identification. Do you know the other colors that were used?
Brown triangles identified gypsies and those of Roman descent. Purple triangles were worn by Jehovah’s Witnesses, Catholic priests and Christian leaders who ran afoul of the government.
Black triangles marked one as a vagrant – worn by any person lacking documentation when asked for proof of a permanent address. Blue triangles were forced on those who had moved to Germany from other countries…
Red triangles were worn by a large and diverse group. You wore red if you were a member of a trade union, Democrat, Freemason, or any number of categories labeled as a ‘political nonconformist.’ Pink badges identified homosexuals…any suspected perpetrator of a sexual offense such as rape or pedophilia…
Green badges were given to common thieves and murderers. And since they were not suspect politically, these prisoners…were often in charge of others…
All worn by mothers and fathers and children who were not the first to be selected for the camps. Their badges were worn – their fates altered – well after they got a good look at the yellow ones…
The most dangerous thing any nation faces is a citizenry capable of trusting a liar to lead them….
Have you ever wondered why American doesn’t have a balanced budget? Have you ever in your life heard of a politician who wasn’t for a balanced budget?
Have you ever heard a politician speak in favor of a complicated tax code that ordinary citizens would find difficult to understand? Then why do we have a complicated tax code that ordinary citizens find hard to understand?
By the way, have you ever noticed that if any of us (citizens) lies to them (politicians), it is a felony? But if any one of them lies to us, it is considered politics…
Can 311 million Americans ever hope to wrestle the power away from 545?…”
It goes on with more and more chilling, yet provoking thoughts. And yes, there is a bibliography provided to back up each fact. The last section is an interview with the author. In answer to the question, “Why did you choose to write this book now?” Andrews answers:
“Our nation is at a tipping point. Regardless of political views, people everywhere can sense it. Did you know that the United States of America is now the longest tenured government in the world? There are countries far older than us, but as far as one continuous form of government, we are the oldest. Or the last, depending how you look at it.
If we don’t demand honesty and integrity from America’s leadership now – and reward that integrity with our votes – our leaders will lack the fortitude to make the hard decisions that must be made to change course.
If indeed our nation is in a state of crisis, then we need to change before it is too late to choose the direction of that change. We need the correct, and best possible, people in office to make this happen. Some of them, of course, are already in office, but they need our help to surround them with men and women who will do what they believe is right and true. “
Also later in the interview, he talks about the warning that America has already received to take action:
“Few remember the instance, but in retrospect, it is chilling to note the accuracy with which it was delivered. On the occasion of our nation’s 100th birthday, in his centennial address to Congress in 1876, President James A. Garfield issued a warning widely reported in the press at that time. He said, ‘Now, more than ever before, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature.’ Then, he added, ‘if (100 years from now) the next centennial does not find us a great nation…it will be because those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces.'”
In answer to the question, ‘Do you have a political agenda?’ Andrews’ honest response made me chuckle:
“Of course. And I sure hope you have one too. Here’s mine: I want America’s present and future leadership to embrace and live up to America’s core principles as written by our Founding Fathers and set forth in our Constitution. In addition, I want the public to vigilantly hold them accountable for doing so. That is my political agenda.”
This brings to mind all kinds of cliches that fit the times we are now living in. But it really makes one stop and think…if “hindsight is 20/20″ and “history repeats itself,” what excuse do we have if we choose to do nothing now?
What about it, America? Are we going to cover our ears and shut our eyes to what is going on around us? Or will such adversity awaken the American Spirit slumbering within each of us, just waiting for the match to ignite the flame that will make our great-great-great-great grandparents proud?
What will you do after reading this? Walk away and forget and therefore, be party to killing another 11 million people? Or will you do something? Will you hold those in power accountable? After all, the saying is true: “A choice to do nothing is still a choice.”



  1. I ususally say... "no choice" is a "NO" choice.

  2. Julie Rowe talks about these government camps and they have already done this during Katrina, where do you think they placed alot of displaced homeless people after Hurricane Katrina, in Fema Camps, this part of has already been proven but church doing a call out has not, I know church organization that tried to go in and help these poor people in these fema camps but were only aloud to bring in certain items and were given a full body check to make sure they werent smuggling anything in and they had to have permission slips to go in, here is a link,_FEMA_Reuters.com_5_20.pdf this is true, not what might happen.
