Friday, February 13, 2015


Fascinating considering what we are seeing today with Russia.

We are in the thick of this part of the prophecy, right now folks!  Next on the plate:

20.  "Peace will be taken from the earth, and there will be no peace only in the Rocky Mountains. This will cause hundreds and thousands of the honest in heart of the world to gather there, not because they would be saints, but for safety, and because they would not take up the sword against their neighbors.
21.  "You will be so numerous that you will be in danger of famine, but not for the want of seed time and harvest, but that so many will have to be fed. Many will come with bundles under their arms to escape the calamities, and there will be no escape, only by fleeing to Zion.
22.  "Those that come to you will try and keep the laws and be one with you, for they will see your unity and the greatness of your organizations.
23.  "The Turkish Empire or the Crescent will be one of the first powers that will be disrupted as a power, for freedom must be given for the Gospel to be preached in the Holy Land.
[22] 24.  "The Lord took of the best blood of the nations, and planted them on       the small island now called England, or Great Britain, and gave them       great powers in the nations for a thousand years, and this power will       continue with them, that they may keep the balance of power, that they       may keep Russia from usurping power over all the world.
25.  "England and France are now bitter enemies, but they will be allied together in order to keep Russia from conquering the world.
26.  "The two Popes, Greek and Catholic, will come together and be united. The Protestant religions do not know how much they are indebted to Henry VIII for throwing off the Pope's bull and establishing the Protestant faith. He was the only monarch that could do so at the time, and he did it because the nation was at his back to sustain him.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't the LDS Church disavow the White Horse prophecy?
