Tuesday, February 10, 2015


I had this comment on a previous post:

All this has happened except WWIII. How bad is bad enough? My dad, who really does not follow this stuff, thinks that when the US Supreme Court legalizes gay marriage - that will be the straw that breaks the camels back. Any other thoughts???

 It already has.  We are all in it in a super slo-mo playout.  At the very least, like WWII when Germany invaded Poland and we were not really in it, but we really were - this whole thing will just continue to heat up.  So far, Ukraine is Poland and the US getting nuked suddenly is the Pearl Harbor.

Sit down and strap on the seat belt.  It is going to be interesting.....  The scrips all speak of it.  It reads like an action-packed novel.

1 comment:

  1. When the stock market crashes and the U.S. devalues the dollar. The resulting chaos will cause us to bring our military home... can't to protect ourselves and Russia or China does a first strike on us to take over.
