Wednesday, February 25, 2015


This is EXPLOSIVE information - if true.  My ancestors were driven to America under this action.

The Irish are direct descendants of Joseph through Ephraim.

This is amazing!

If true, this is similar to what happened to the Ukrainians in the 1930's by Stalin and his thugs.

History does repeat itself.

Remember that the revisionist history presented to us today about Ireland - will similarly be written by those that conquer this land.  The victor always writes the history of the conquered.  Therefore, little of history is completely truthful, where war and conquest is involved.

1 comment:

  1. Time permitting, I listened to a good portion of the radio interview. Explosive information indeed! I salute the courage of those who brought it to light and continue to do so.

    My PB states I am descended from Joseph. My maternal line came from Ireland. I am also 1/4 Cherokee. Curiosity from your statement above got me searching and I found this. It states the prophet, Jeremiah, lived in Ireland. In the Irish Histories his name is written as Iarbanel.

    Extremely interesting. Well, to me anyway.

    Thanks for the informative but very sad post. Ticks me off too!
