Monday, February 9, 2015


Interesting - and it would account for a change in the earth around the time the 10 tribes and a portion of the earth they were on split (and the earth changed size, position, etc:

Based on a reference called East Asian Archeoastronomy, virtually every total eclipse of the sun that was reported since 709 BC has been confirmed to the date and place by computer regressions. Not a single eclipse prior to 709 BC reported in any culture can be confirmed to date and place. In other words, we have no accurate way of asserting how the stars aligned prior to that date." - Laird Scranton

 "I know you will have been very careful with the alignments themselves. My point is that there are inherent problems in knowing where the stars were, and when. For example, in China alone there are upwards of 40 credible reports of eclipses prior to 709 BC, none of which can be confirmed by software regression. The same is true in other cultures - almost universal verification of eclipses reported after 709 BC, and virtually no confirmation prior."

"Proof of the correctness of star regression calculations rests on events such as eclipses, supernovas, etc. If we can't verify the eclipses, then the implication is that the stars may not have been positioned where we think they were in relation to us."

"We can still argue based on a set of likely alignments that certain stars were the targets. We can't really argue when they were targets. And we're not really in a position to offer software regressions as proof."
- Laird Scranton

1 comment:

  1. Look at what happened when Hezekiah asked for more life after having defeated the Assyrians. This happened in 714 BC. The sun went backwards 15 degrees.
